Is there any way to disable a MAC address w/o deleting it from the list?
I've a couple of MAC-IP entries in the DHCP server settings. Now I'd like to "disable" some MAC addresses w/o deleting them from the list, i.e. these MAC addresses will not be able to use internet. They pay a monthly payment - then I allow them to use internet. For now, I use a plain text file with these MAC-IP pairs, and when somebody didn't pay, I simply delete that MAC from the list. He/she pays - I add MAC to the list. But this is wrong way. How to do the right way? :). Thanks!
I dont know how your setup is, but I think its more logical to use the captive portal feature of pfs for your needs, you can allow mac addresses to bypass the captive portal for customers who have paid, this of course can be disabled for the ones that have late payment or new customers, you can customise the default CP login screen with some sort of notice/information.
This way you retain your static IP list on the DHCPD
I dont know how your setup is, but I think its more logical to use the captive portal feature of pfs for your needs, you can allow mac addresses to bypass the captive portal for customers who have paid, this of course can be disabled for the ones that have late payment or new customers, you can customise the default CP login screen with some sort of notice/information.
This way you retain your static IP list on the DHCPD
I "discovered" very simple way. I'll just create a rule(s) which will block traffic from the specific IP. When that IP pays, I'll just switch off the rule, w/o deleting it. I didn't try yet, but I think it should work.
BTW, could you please explain (or give me a link) what is "captive portal"? What it made for? Is it FreeBSD-based feature or something else? :) I do understand Linux well enogh, but all my FreeBSD experience is pfSense here and there. It just works, so I didn't dig in…
Heres some links to pfsense features
and captive portal
I personally use it as many others do as well and it works great, on both wired and wireless networks, I think you'll find it easier to manage users than what youre currently doing, no point trying to reinvent the wheel.
You can find it under Services/Captive portal on the pfsense gui.