Pfsense needs to be restartet in case of pppoe 24h disconnect
Try next snapshot should be fixed.
err…snap server has no new snaps since 5th. Can you kick him awake? :P
Sorry, isnt fixed. Same problem occurs.
Actual Version:
built on Tue Dec 9 06:25:48 EST 2008
FreeBSD 7.1-RC1 -
What do you mean by same?
So today at 4 o'clock he triggered the script and reinitiate the pppoe connection. But after that the dnsmasq hung. He consumes up to 80% of the cpu usage and dont like to respond anymore. I killed the process and startet it again, it works now again. I think a bit of delay is needed after restarting the dnsmasq service.
This problem what i had reported before.
I just wanted to let you know, that this bug still exists and it makes 2.0 pretty much unusable for users in germany and some other countrys where the ISP does frequent disconnects (every 24 hours)…
The only way to get the connection back up is to click "save" on the wan interface page or reboot, since the disconnect button is not working...
built on Fri Dec 26 18:44:24 EST 2008" -
Disconnect actualy works afaik.
yep it drops the connection ;) but then the button still says "disconnect", and the only way to get it back up is clicking save on the wan interface page ;D
Once again, in a more detailed way the error description.
Our provider here in germany reset after every 24 hours the connection. Also the connection can drop instantly if there is a connection error. So pfSense should monitor the connection if there is still a wan link(a ip address given). And if not, restart it. There should be unlimited retrys, because if it is the only wan connection its vitale.
Also the problem with the periodic reset is still present. If i set in my wan connection a periodic resettime, the reset will successfully triggered at the given time.
The triggered script:
Output of "cat /etc/crontab | grep pppoe"
0 5 * * * root /etc/pppoerestart 0 4 * * * root /conf/pppoewanrestart
I dunno why we need there two scripts. But i think the first is the real "periodic reset" script. But if you trigger it by hand or by crontab the same result happens:
Output of "ps aux":PID USERNAME THR PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE TIME WCPU COMMAND 27289 nobody 1 113 0 3132K 1680K RUN 424:26 77.29% dnsmasq 36685 root 1 4 0 41312K 16828K accept 0:14 0.00% php ....
The dnsmasq hung. No DNS requests will by anymore handled. The easiest way to handle it is by console:
# killall -9 dnsmasq # dnsmasq
It also works over the webinterface, but you must use the IP address of the interface because hostname will not be resolved by dnsmasq. And then press once the Interface WAN save button and apply your "changes". I hope that can be fixed now.
One more Problem seem to occur now. After he reestablish the connection sometimes it terminate after a hour or two. Its very bad for german ppl to try the new pfSense and to post bugs, if the box is more offline than online. I hope somebody from the dev team can help us :)
Okay a short log part of the errors when he randomly disconnects:
Feb 19 18:51:54 php: : ERROR! PPTP enabled but could not resolve the $pptpdtarget Feb 19 18:51:54 php: : Could not find gateway for interface(wan). Feb 19 18:51:54 last message repeated 9 times Feb 19 18:51:54 php: : The command '/sbin/pfctl -o basic -f /tmp/rules.debug' returned exit code '1', the output was 'pfctl: DIOCSETSTATUSIF' Feb 19 18:51:54 php: : New alert found: There were error(s) loading the rules: pfctl: DIOCSETSTATUSIF The line in question reads [ DIOCSETSTATUSIF]: Feb 19 18:51:54 php: : There were error(s) loading the rules: pfctl: DIOCSETSTATUSIF - The line in question reads [ DIOCSETSTATUSIF]: