Downgraded to 1.2.2 because of performance issues
I had to downgrade from Friday's build of 2a to 1.2.2 because I was suffering poor performance. When doing video streaming other services were working poorly. This problem seemed to come on suddenly. I had squid and squidguard installed and functioning and I had traffic shaping set up. Before downgrading I tried uninstalling squid and squidguard but it didn't help. Restarting didn't help. So I downgraded and now performance is good. But I miss 2a's traffic shaping. Can't wait till it's finished or at least RC1.
The machine is a Dell Optiplex GX150 with 128 megs of ram and a processor of 1.2ghz. The connection here is a Venezuelan cable internet with 850k/120k.
I had to downgrade from Friday's build of 2a to 1.2.2 because I was suffering poor performance. When doing video streaming other services were working poorly.
What does that mean that it was doing its job well but you didn't supposed it would !!!
That seems like you gave video streaming priority.The comments above are a hard guess, can you share more information on you actually mean.
I had to downgrade from Friday's build of 2a to 1.2.2 because I was suffering poor performance. When doing video streaming other services were working poorly.
What does that mean that it was doing its job well but you didn't supposed it would !!!
That seems like you gave video streaming priority.The comments above are a hard guess, can you share more information on you actually mean.
Sorry if I wasn't clear. No, I didn't give video streaming higher priority. The problem wasn't that things were slowing down due to bandwidth limitations and qos working properly but rather everything was slowing down. My hardware couldn't keep up. Its a stinky old machine and just about nothing will run on it except for pfsense 1.2 or smoothwall which I'm running now. So I don't know if pfsense version 2 just needs more horsepower or if the alpha has some issues which will eventually be resolved. I'm only trying to use such old yucky hardware because a friend needs a firewall but he's not convinced enough that he's willing to buy a new machine.