DDNS Updating to private IP
When the system is rebooted, my DDNS updates to a private IP address. I can then force a update and it works correctly. I tried to search seems like someone had a similar problem but no answers. Thanks for any help.
Pfsense 1.2.3-RC1
DDNS dyndns.orgLog On Reboot
–-------------------------------------------May 27 17:01:08 php: /services_dyndns.php: phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully! (
May 27 17:01:08 php: /services_dyndns.php: phpDynDNS: updating cache file /cf/conf/dyndns.cache:
May 27 17:01:08 php: /services_dyndns.php: DynDns: Current Service: dyndns
May 27 17:01:08 php: /services_dyndns.php: DynDns: DynDns _checkStatus() starting.
May 27 17:01:07 php: /services_dyndns.php: DynDns: DynDns _update() starting. Dynamic
May 27 17:01:07 php: /services_dyndns.php: DynDns: DynDns _update() starting.
May 27 17:01:07 php: /services_dyndns.php: DynDns: Initial run. Updating.
May 27 17:01:07 php: /services_dyndns.php: DynDns: cacheIP != wan_ip. Updating.
May 27 17:01:07 php: /services_dyndns.php: DynDns: No Cached IP found.
May 27 17:01:07 php: /services_dyndns.php: DynDns: Current WAN IP:
May 27 17:01:07 php: /services_dyndns.php: DynDns: _detectChange() starting.
May 27 17:01:07 php: /services_dyndns.php: DynDns: updatedns() starting
May 27 17:01:07 php: /services_dyndns.php: DynDns: Running updatedns()
May 27 16:58:11 Squid_Alarm[2201]: Squid has resumed. Reconfiguring filter.
May 27 16:58:08 Squid_Alarm[2032]: Reconfiguring filter…
May 27 16:58:08 Squid_Alarm[2029]: Squid has resumed. Reconfiguring filter.
May 27 16:58:06 Squid_Alarm[1941]: Reconfiguring filter…
May 27 16:58:05 squid[1899]: Squid Parent: child process 1902 started
May 27 16:58:05 Squid_Alarm[1892]: Attempting restart…
May 27 16:58:05 Squid_Alarm[1890]: Squid has exited. Reconfiguring filter.
May 27 16:58:04 php: : phpDynDNS: No Change In My IP Address and/or 25 Days Has Not Past. Not Updating Dynamic DNS Entry.
May 27 16:58:04 php: : DynDns: Cached IP:
May 27 16:58:04 php: : DynDns: Current WAN IP:
May 27 16:58:04 php: : DynDns: _detectChange() starting.
May 27 16:58:04 php: : DynDns: updatedns() starting
May 27 16:58:04 php: : DynDns: Running updatedns()
May 27 16:58:03 squid[1827]: Squid Parent: child process 1830 started
May 27 16:58:03 Squid_Alarm[1820]: Attempting restart…
May 27 16:58:03 Squid_Alarm[1818]: Squid has exited. Reconfiguring filter.
May 27 16:58:02 check_reload_status: updating dyndns
May 27 16:58:01 squid[1677]: Squid Parent: child process 1679 started
May 27 16:58:00 check_reload_status: reloading filter
May 27 16:58:00 php: : Configuring slbd
May 27 16:58:00 php: : pfSense package system has detected an ip change -> … Restarting packages.
May 27 16:58:00 last message repeated 6 times
May 27 16:58:00 php: : Reloading Squid for configuration sync
May 27 16:58:00 squid[1506]: Squid Parent: child process 1508 exited due to signal 15
May 27 16:57:59 php: : Resyncing configuration for all packages.
May 27 16:57:59 squid[1506]: Squid Parent: child process 1508 started
May 27 16:57:58 last message repeated 6 times
May 27 16:57:57 php: : Reloading Squid for configuration sync
May 27 16:57:57 squid[1046]: Exiting due to unexpected forced shutdown
May 27 16:57:57 squid[1046]: Squid Parent: child process 1049 exited due to signal 15
May 27 16:57:56 Squid_Alarm[1236]: Squid has resumed. Reconfiguring filter.
May 27 16:57:55 php: : Resyncing configuration for all packages.
May 27 16:57:53 Squid_Alarm[1133]: Reconfiguring filter…
May 27 16:57:53 php: : Creating rrd update script
May 27 16:57:53 php: : Informational: DHClient spawned /etc/rc.newwanip and the new ip is wan -
May 27 16:57:50 squid[1046]: Squid Parent: child process 1049 started
May 27 16:57:50 Squid_Alarm[1039]: Attempting restart…
May 27 16:57:50 Squid_Alarm[1037]: Squid has exited. Reconfiguring filter.
May 27 16:57:49 sshlockout[999]: sshlockout starting up
May 27 16:57:49 sshlockout[999]: sshlockout starting up
May 27 16:57:49 login: login on ttyv0 as root
May 27 16:57:48 php: : rc.newwanip working with (IP address: (interface: wan) (interface real: bge1).
May 27 16:57:48 php: : Informational: rc.newwanip is starting .
May 27 16:57:46 check_reload_status: rc.newwanip starting
May 27 16:57:46 check_reload_status: check_reload_status is starting
May 27 16:57:45 squid[913]: Squid Parent: child process 915 started
May 27 16:57:45 last message repeated 6 times
May 27 16:57:44 php: : Reloading Squid for configuration sync
May 27 16:57:44 php: : Resyncing configuration for all packages.
May 27 16:57:43 php: : Creating rrd update script
May 27 16:57:42 php: : SQUID is installed but not started. Not installing redirect rules.
May 27 16:57:42 php: : SQUID is installed but not started. Not installing redirect rules.
May 27 16:57:40 php: : phpDynDNS: (Success) IP Address Changed Successfully!
May 27 16:57:40 php: : phpDynDNS: updating cache file /cf/conf/dyndns.cache:
May 27 16:57:40 php: : DynDns: Current Service: dyndns-custom
May 27 16:57:40 php: : DynDns: DynDns _checkStatus() starting.
May 27 16:57:33 mpd: ->
May 27 16:57:33 mpd: IPADDR
May 27 16:57:33 mpd: is OK
May 27 16:57:33 mpd: IPADDR
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: SECDNS
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: PRIDNS
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: IPADDR
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: SECDNS
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: PRIDNS
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: IPADDR
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: SECDNS
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: PRIDNS
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: is OK
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: IPADDR
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: SECDNS
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: PRIDNS
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: IPADDR
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: SECDNS
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: PRIDNS
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
May 27 16:57:32 mpd: IPADDR
May 27 16:57:30 mpd: SECDNS
May 27 16:57:30 mpd: PRIDNS
May 27 16:57:30 mpd: COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
May 27 16:57:30 mpd: IPADDR
May 27 16:57:29 mpd: MAGICNUM 2fb3b646
May 27 16:57:29 mpd: MRU 1492
May 27 16:57:29 mpd: MAGICNUM 3316504a
May 27 16:57:29 mpd: AUTHPROTO PAP
May 27 16:57:29 mpd: MRU 1492
May 27 16:57:29 mpd: MAGICNUM 3316504a
May 27 16:57:29 mpd: AUTHPROTO PAP
May 27 16:57:29 mpd: MRU 1492
May 27 16:57:29 mpd: MAGICNUM 2fb3b646
May 27 16:57:29 mpd: MRU 1492
May 27 16:57:29 php: : DynDns: DynDns _update() starting.
May 27 16:57:29 php: : DynDns: cacheIP != wan_ip. Updating.
May 27 16:57:29 php: : DynDns: Cached IP:
May 27 16:57:29 php: : DynDns: Current WAN IP:
May 27 16:57:29 php: : DynDns: _detectChange() starting.
May 27 16:57:29 php: : DynDns: updatedns() starting
May 27 16:57:29 php: : DynDns: Running updatedns() -
That last IP ( isn't an RFC1918 (aka private) IP. Quoting the RFC (RFC3330): - This block is assigned as "TEST-NET" for use in
documentation and example code. It is often used in conjunction with
domain names example.com or example.net in vendor and protocol
documentation. Addresses within this block should not appear on the
public Internet.I'd check to see what the DHCP client logs can tell you (if anything).
DHCP log is empty, PDC handles that function.
Not the server log - the log on the pfSense host recording information about it's DHCP client for the WAN interface.
I was unaware of additional logging, kinda new to this. Is it at the shell level, or is there a way to see that via the html interface. Additionally I noticed the package fit123 has an option to check for IP address changes every 5 minutes and update DDNS accordingly. That will help in the short term, but I would still like to know where its getting that private ip from.
Thank You!
Might be under the "System Logs" section, my pfSense host has static IP allocation so I'm not sure.