Is 2.0 ready for prime time
I was wondering was 2.0 ready for the prime time usage in a production enviroment? I not been keeping up with 2.0 in the last few months.
No, it's still changing a lot and very much an alpha-alpha.
It may work fine one day and then fall all over itself the next. It may be generally stable, but it's still open to wide, sweeping changes should the need arise.
If you're really brave, you could try it, but I wouldn't take that kind of a chance unless you absolutely positively needed some feature in 2.0 that didn't exist in 1.2.x
To add here is that NEVER try to use the 8.0 FreeBSD based snapshots in production.
If you go the route to try give a shot the the 7.2 FreeBSD based ones. -
To add here is that NEVER try to use the 8.0 FreeBSD based snapshots in production.
If you go the route to try give a shot the the 7.2 FreeBSD based ones.Except the 2.0 snapshots are still 7.1 FreeBSD. Will that be switched over? It would seem logical to me.
Except the 2.0 snapshots are still 7.1 FreeBSD. Will that be switched over? It would seem logical to me.
There are four sets of snapshots right now:
1.2.3 on FreeBSD 7.1
1.2.3 on FreeBSD 7.2
2.0 on FreeBSD 7.1
2.0 on FreeBSD 8-CURRENT
Yep, I know; I should have been clearer.
Will pfSense 2.0 be moved from FreeBSD 7.1 to FreeBSD 7.2 base? I'd think it would be good to develop 2.0 pfSense on the latest released (7.2) and next development (8.0), rather than 7.1