Multi-Wan: Ability to "weight" or give preference to interfaces in 2.0???
I am very pleased with 1.2.3 and am also playing with 2.0 and am so far happy with it…
JUST WONDERING --- Will 2.0 have the ability to "WEIGHT" interfaces in a multi-wan configuration? I believe it currently can only perform "round-robin" multi-wan - which is nice; BUT, in my operating environment, we have loads of employees that "browse" the web during during the day, and we added CABLE, and DSL to subsidize the traffic that was previously bogging down the T1...
What I would like is the ability to "weight" the interfaces. I.e. Set Cable to "50", DSL to "30", and the T1 to "20" for outgoing traffic --- where the cable connection would be the primary interface for web browsing, with "overload" traffic going to DSL, and then all else going out the T1...
This would free up the bandwidth on the T1 for our servers to receive and send data more efficiently...
I hope this makes sense... I know this is possible as I have another network I manage that uses ClarkConnect and it is setup this way --- BUT I like pfSense so much better and the only thing I really wish it had was this ability to "weight" interfaces instead of the straight round-robin approach...
Thanks for any info...
No, That's not possible yet.
What I would recommend doing is create a tier 1 with cable and dsl and a tier 2 with the T1.
Bummer… I love EVERY feature in pfSense, and the look of 2.0 is much "friendlier" than the 1.2x .... The only drawback for me is the lack of ability to weight the interfaces...
But your response is somewhat exciting as you said "not possible YET" --- as in this might be available in the future????
Thank you!