NanoBSD 7.2 2009-04-20 /var/system.log file empty. No system log displayed
I just switched from a full install to a nanobsd 7.2 on an alix.
Among other things I noticed that system logs/system is empty. I checked the /var/system.log file and it is empty as well.
the dhcp log is ampty as well and so is the file /var/dhcpd.log -
It actually looks empty editing system.log or dhcpd.log on the web administrator edit function. If telnet and open files with vi it says binary content and it is full of ^@^@^@^@. If delete file and touch a new file with same name it gets overwritten on next boot by one with binary content as before.
Where is the problem? OS?
same (problem?) on the freebsd 8 releases. Not sure if its normal or an error…
Should be fixed on latest snaps.
Ermal, snapshot Mon Sep 21 19:23:42 UTC 2009 FreeBSD 7.2-RELEASE-p3 still broken
This should really be fixed now. There was an issue with some syntax in syslog.conf from an earlier commit.
Working on nanobsd 7.2 snapshot of 2009-09-22 ~ 18pm