Layer7 don't work - ipfw_claasifyd missing!!!!!!!!
Dear Ermal,
I've tried to tes Layer7 feature on 2.0-ALPHA-ALPHA releases from 20090901 to 200917, but it didn't work because
Layer7 don't work - ipfw_claasifyd missing!!!!!!!!
Please help…Thanks in advance...
The wol binary is also missing as far as I can tell. Are these programs in the pfsense-tools distribution? Can someone give me a pointer on where to look to find out why these various programs are not being added to the snapshots?
Josh -
The wol binary has been fixed. I am working with Ermal to get ipfw-classifyd compiling out of the box on a brand new install. Every time we move the snapshot builder servers there are issues.
Should be fixed too.
Check next snapshots. -
Yesterdar prove the last version of PFsense 2.0 Alpha and LAYER7 still don't work, when i want to blick http or other rule nothing happends, is like layer doesn't exist..
Give me more details otherwise to me is just wrong reporting.