Squid throttle MP3-Solved
squidclient -p 80 cache_object://localhost/config |grep -i delay
= tiada apa-apa cuma # sahaja
squidclient -p 80 cache_object://localhost/delay
= $ squidclient -p 80 cache_object://localhost/delay
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: squid/2.6.STABLE21
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 02:17:47 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Expires: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 02:17:47 GMT
Last-Modified: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 02:17:47 GMT
X-Cache: MISS from localhost
Via: 1.0 localhost:3128 (squid/2.6.STABLE21)
Proxy-Connection: closeDelay pools configured: 1
Pool: 1
Class: 2Aggregate:
Max: 128000
Restore: 128000
Current: 128000Individual:
Max: 20480
Rate: 20480
Current: Not used yet.Memory Used: 1296 bytes
grep -i mp3 /var/squid/acl/throttle_exts.acl
= $ grep -i mp3 /var/squid/acl/throttle_exts.acl
.MP3$transparent proxy memang on , multimedia pun sudah di tick kan
ps: saya lupa Pf = versi 1.23 rc 1
package installed Squid, Squidguard,Lightsquid,Bandwidthd -
masih menggunakan squid-2.6.STABLE21 ??
config squidnya yang kamu buat masih error,
contoh di box pfsense1.2.3RC3 dan menggunakan proxy lusca-1.4_HEAD
jika menggunakan command squidclient -p 80 cache_object://localhost/config |grep -i delay
harus muncul,
squidclient -p 80 cache_object://localhost/config |grep -i delay
request_body_delay_forward_size 0 Allow all
delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 2
delay_access 1 Allow localnet throttle_exts
delay_access 1 Deny all
delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 20480/20480
delay_initial_bucket_level 100dan untuk
squidclient -p 80 cache_object://localhost/delay
squidclient -p 80 cache_object://localhost/delay
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: Lusca/LUSCA_HEAD
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 02:43:50 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Expires: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 02:43:50 GMT
X-Cache: MISS from PROXY
X-Cache-Lookup: MISS from PROXY:80
Via: 1.0 proxy.pfsense:80 (Lusca/LUSCA_HEAD)
Connection: closeDelay pools configured: 1
Pool: 1
Class: 2Aggregate:
Max: 20480
Rate: 20480
Current: 49:20480 13:20480 10:20480 100:20480 48:20480 15:20480 18:20480 12:20480 231:20480 106:20480 108:20480Memory Used: 3352 bytes
Current: 49:20480 13:20480
artinya, ip client yang aktif download x.x.x.49/24, x.x.x.13/24, etc kena limit 20480/s = 20KB/s
grep -i mp3 /var/squid/acl/throttle_exts.acl
-delay_pool tidak efektif untuk melimit DAP/IDM (DOWNLOAD ACCELARTOR)/INTERNET DOWNLOAD MANAGER
-delay_pool bisa di tipu dengan menambahkan karakter ? pada akhir url file yang kita download, ex: http://download.com/mp3?
-config squid yang kamu buat, berbeda dengan config hasil ouput dari webgui pfsense -
config squid cuma saya untul optimal kan squid , iaitu ubah kepada LAN
ip saya iaitu 192.19.63.* , kemudian saya revert semula kpd asal.sudah cuba lusca tapi tak berhasil , delete cacheboy-1.6, revert back to squid 2.6
saya sudah tick kan "Allow users on interface" ,
Maaf , sudah berhasil , cuba download lain extension (tgz) current dapat di catch oleh squid .
Mungkin file mp3 tu berlainan extension nya. Btw terima kasih grage95 kerana sudi
menjawab soalan newbie saya. Thanks -
its ok,
tapi apakah ekstension mp3 masih tidak bisa di current catch oleh squid?config squid mu =
$ grep -i mp3 /var/squid/acl/throttle_exts.acl
.MP3$cukup satu sahaja .mp3$, sebab di squid sudah ada option -i (not case sensitive )
jadi tidak perlu lagi menambah MP3, cukup tick saja Throttle multimedia filesTIPS untuk update ke quid-2.7STABEL7 / LUSCA_HEAD
download new squid.inc http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/squid/squid.inc and place to /usr/local/pkg/
delete squid-2.6.21
pkg_delete squid-2.6.21install new squid dan save config
jika ingin update to squid-2.7.7
pkg_add -rv http://shakau.googlepages.com/full-squid-2.7.7.tbz
rehashjika ingin update to lusca
pkg_add -rv http://shakau.googlepages.com/full-lusca-1.4.tbz
rehashjika sudah ok baru di squid.inc ubah kepada ip LAN kamu
dan restart squidsenang bisa membantu
Sudah try sekali lagi menggunakan tips yang diberi:
php: : SQUID is installed but not started. Not installing redirect rules.
Oct 24 17:19:35 php: : SQUID is installed but not started. Not installing redirect rules.
Oct 24 17:19:30 check_reload_status: reloading filter
Oct 24 17:19:29 squid[6646]: Bungled squid.conf line 27: cache_dir diskd /var/squid/cache 3000 16 256
Oct 24 17:19:29 php: /pkg_edit.php: Starting Squid
Oct 24 17:19:27 squid[6628]: Bungled squid.conf line 27: cache_dir diskd /var/squid/cache 3000 16 256inilah yang keluar , revert balik
maaf saya lupa , saya cuba install cacheboy sebab pf pakai PIII
squid-2.7.7 SUPPORT UFS/DISKD/AUFS/COSS/NULLfor optimal performance tunning cache :
jika menggunakan squid-2.6.xx, gunakan DISKD
jika menggunakan squid-7.7/lusca head gunakan AUFSedit dan save dengan webgui Proxy server: Cache management >> Hard disk cache system >> aufs
taken from http://code.google.com/p/lusca-cache/wiki/LuscaChangeLog
The diskd and ufs storage types have been removed, leaving only aufs, coss and null. These types will return later on when the disk io layers have been tidied up and re-unified. -
Berhasil :
$ pkg_info |grep squid
lightsquid-1.7.1_1 A light and fast web based squid proxy traffic analyser
squid-2.7.7 HTTP Caching Proxy
squid_radius_auth-1.10 RADIUS authenticator for squid proxy 2.5 and laterterima kasih , akhir nya menggunakan Squid 2.7.7 nanti cuba pula lusca !
1. delay_pool tidak efektif untuk melimit DAP/IDM (DOWNLOAD ACCELARTOR)/INTERNET DOWNLOAD MANAGER
2. delay_pool bisa di tipu dengan menambahkan karakter ? pada akhir url file yang kita download, ex: http://download.com/mp3?1. tidak efektif bagaimana om? di tempatku terlimit walau bisa bocor sekitar 2-5 KBps.
2. not work, have tried.. -
aneh juga ya,,,, aku menggunakan settingan default pf, dan walau pakai trik satu tanda tanya, ataupun ada yang bilang tiga tanda tanya tetap ndak bisa tembus… kira2 apa ya yg membuat berbeda.
1. delay_pool tidak efektif untuk melimit DAP/IDM (DOWNLOAD ACCELARTOR)/INTERNET DOWNLOAD MANAGER
2. delay_pool bisa di tipu dengan menambahkan karakter ? pada akhir url file yang kita download, ex: http://download.com/mp3?1. tidak efektif bagaimana om? di tempatku terlimit walau bisa bocor sekitar 2-5 KBps.
2. not work, have tried..iya-e tempatku bobol juga.. apa lagi kalau downloadnya video dari youtube dsb; pasti lewat semua; terus kalau mau mengatasi pake traffic shapper bawaann pfsensnya bisa ngatasi IDM gak bro … tak coba pake penalty box masih lolos juga-e..
tambahkan utk list filenya
urlpath_regex -i get_video?video_id, videodownload? dan flv di squid.inc
$multimedia = 'get_video?video_id, videodownload?, aiff?, flv asf,avi,divx,mov,mp3,mp4, dst …
squidclient -p 80 cache_object:// | grep -i delay
client: ERROR: Cannot connect to localhost:80: Connection refused
kok errornya seprti itu yak…
setelah cek cek ... cari cari ...
tapi ga bisa juga saya menyelesaikan permasalahannya...
selain minim pengetahuan di CLI bsd ....
mohon pencerahan buat rekan semua....
tq sebelumnya telah merepotkan brader semua :D -
squidclient -p 80 mgr:menu
$ squidclient -p 80 mgr:menu HTTP/1.0 200 OK Server: Lusca/LUSCA_HEAD Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 05:27:08 GMT Content-Type: text/plain Expires: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 05:27:08 GMT X-Cache: MISS from ServerDarutTaqwa Via: 1.0 ServerDarutTaqwa:80 (Lusca/LUSCA_HEAD) Connection: close mem Memory Utilization public cbdata Callback Data Registry Contents public events Event Queue public coss COSS Stats public config Current Squid Configuration hidden ipcache IP Cache Stats and Contents public fqdncache FQDN Cache Stats and Contents public idns Internal DNS Statistics public external_acl External ACL stats public http_headers HTTP Header Statistics public menu This Cachemanager Menu public shutdown Shut Down the Squid Process hidden reconfigure Reconfigure the Squid Process hidden offline_toggle Toggle offline_mode setting hidden info General Runtime Information public filedescriptors Process Filedescriptor Allocation public objects All Cache Objects public vm_objects In-Memory and In-Transit Objects public openfd_objects Objects with Swapout files open public pending_objects Objects being retreived from the network public client_objects Objects being sent to clients public io Server-side network read() size histograms public counters Traffic and Resource Counters public peer_select Peer Selection Algorithms public digest_stats Cache Digest and ICP blob public 5min 5 Minute Average of Counters public 60min 60 Minute Average of Counters public utilization Cache Utilization public histograms Full Histogram Counts public active_requests Client-side Active Requests public iapp_stats libiapp statistics public curcounters current high level counters public squidaio_counts Async IO Function Counters public storedir Store Directory Stats public store_check_cachable_stats storeCheckCachable() Stats public store_io Store IO Interface Stats public pconn Persistent Connection Utilization Histograms public refresh Refresh Algorithm Statistics public delay Delay Pool Levels public delay2 Delay Pool Statistics public forward Request Forwarding Statistics public client_list Cache Client List public asndb AS Number Database public server_list Peer Cache Statistics public non_peers List of Unknown sites sending ICP messages public
tinggal pilih :
**squidclient -p 80 mgr:**tinggalpilih