Strange Ghost traffic ON WAN Interface
Nobody is conected to PFsense, but WAN traffic at Traffic Graph shows 6MBps IN and 200KBps out, if I look at LAN traffic, it shows minimal traffic 8KBPs in 4KBPs out. Where is going this traffic, is possible to trace what's happening? Could be an auto update process?
2.0-BETA1 built on Tue Dec 29 00:35:53 EST 2009
Alfredo -
if you do diagnostics => states, do you see anything chowing down on bw?
I found it, it was squid, I've restarted it and WAN traffic has stopped. So the question now, is somebody working on squid for pfsense 2.0? it has a lot of problems? I've to restart pfsense to restart squid.
How can I safely remove squid, it's not shown in Package Manager.
Besides Host IP showed in traffic graph is not very useful, it only shows the IP of the wan interface, not the remote source IP.
How can I safely remove squid, it's not shown in Package Manager.
From a command line, run pkg_info
Then pkg_delete the Squid package listed
pkg_delete squid*****
How can I safely remove squid, it's not shown in Package Manager.
From a command line, run pkg_info
Then pkg_delete the Squid package listed
pkg_delete squid*****
Sorry to use this thread but I think this is the best way ;)
I have the Avahi package installed, it is working and it is shown in GUI, but a pkg_info just says that there are no packages installed. Why is that? I am running the snap from 28th on my embedded device…
The maintainers of the packages have to "repair" them for using in 2.0. I'm still waiting too for this. :-)
But its cristmas and new year awaiting, so maybe some more time to wait for us. Doesn't m,atter much, devs have to calm down too! -
Thanks for your help, but pkg_info shows:
pkg_info: no packages installed
But squid is still running, system activity shows:
1148 proxy 44 0 18976K 12340K kqread 0 0:51 0.00% squid