No shell after upgrade
I just did an upgrade to 20100305-0535 and now the machine boots an routes my traffic but the last line that is presented to be is: Bootup Complete
I can login by ssh, it accepts my private key and then i get nothing.It shows the characters i type but does not respond if it is an command, same is for the console.
I can shutdown the machine by pressing the powerbutton once. But after a reboot there is nothing more then before.[update] When i hit CRTL-C in a ssh session it will close and disconnnect [/update]
I hope someone can help me out of this situation :-)
Kind Regards, Marcus
FWIIW, I have seen this as well, and have not had the time to troubleshoot. As the OP writes, the firewall appears to work just fine. CTL-C at console get you nowhere as it does not respond to entering an alternative shell.
I fixed it by grabbing the /cf/config/config.xml of the system by live cd and reinstalling (with a newer snapshot).
I must say that i had removed the Captive Portal from the config prior to loading it back.Now the system is back up and running.
That's caused by some sort of locking regression in PHP or FreeBSD, we're not yet sure which. There's a work around in snapshots in the past day or two.
Using "pfSense-2.0-BETA1-1g-20100309-0142-nanobsd.img.gz" on a Firebox X700 and getting the same, no response from console after "Bootup complete" message