LoadBalancing with Gateway group not working…
If your problem was like mine when I first tried multi-wan on 2.0, you'll need to disable sticky connections in the advanced settings.
Thanks for suggestion, but un-checking in System Administrator as sticky for Load Balance did not solve problem. I'm still able to use to 2 WAN if I have Gateway Group for my LAN firewall rule.
Here is how it setup for Gateway Group:
Group Name Gateways Priority Description
LoadBalance1 WAN2 Tier 1
WAN Tier 1Firewall Rule: LAN
Action: Pass
Interface: LAN
Protocal: Any
Source/Type: LAN Subnet
Destination: check not
Gateway: LoadBalance1Any other suggestions would be great!
it seems PBR can not work with Gateway-group!
and the PBR now have some question, the last version is not work fine! -
How do you setup Load Balance with 2 WAN in 2.0 without using PBR?
What is PBR?
Firewall Rule: LAN
Action: Pass
Interface: LAN
Protocal: Any
Source/Type: LAN Subnet
Destination: check not
Gateway: LoadBalance1Any other suggestions would be great!
It seems you have the correct settings….
Maybe you can check some status pages like: Status -> Gateways
The first tab will show the gateways 'solo' and the second will show the status of the gateway group. Mine are like so:Can you ping a direct IP address on the internet instead of a hostname? Maybe it's a DNS problem?
Does your Systemlog -> Firewall show 'blocked packets'?Good luck!
your PBR can work fine without Gateway Group? in my version, it is can't work
Having similar problems. All traffic originating from lan subnet to port 80 tcp (=all http traffic) should go to one gw group but instead its not. If instead of the group use any of the wan gateway it works. 31.3 snapshot
Thanks for all your suggestions. I decide to go back to v1.2.3 until 2.0 is out of beta. Load Balancing works with v1.2.3 and easy to setup.
It is strange. From March 26 snapshot on PBR works perfectly for me. I can even use several gateway groups for HTTP traffics, depends on the destination.
Yes, I can confirm it working for me as well. It's the main reason I'm using pfSense instead of my home brew linux firewall where I only switch WANs on a host bases instead of protocol and time etc…