WiFi and BT interfaces not seen?
Is there a trick to get the WiFi NIC to show up? The system has a rather common Broadcom based WiFi card, but the only NIC that shows up is the built-in ethernet.
The WiFi works fine with Win and Mac OS X (hackintosh).Similarly, but much less important, the Bluetooth interface isn't visible, either.
I'll save you from a rude reply from the devs here. If your hardware is listed in the FreeBSD hardware compatibility list here: http://www.freebsd.org/releases/8.0R/hardware.html
and it still isn't working, post the log messages, which driver is being used etc. Vague 'it's b0rked' posts like this are about as helpful to the devs as watching paint dry on a donkey's arse.
I'll save you from a rude reply from the devs here.
I don't read a lot of online forums so I probably do't have a lot of grounds for comparison but the pfSense developers seem to me to be a particularly civil lot.
and it still isn't working, post the log messages, which driver is being used etc. Vague 'it's b0rked' posts like this are about as helpful to the devs as watching paint dry on a donkey's arse.
I agree. Though I appreciate courtesy and civility I also appreciate a colourful turn of phrase. Thanks.
Back to topic!
Is there a trick to get the WiFi NIC to show up? The system has a rather common Broadcom based WiFi card, but the only NIC that shows up is the built-in ethernet.
The WiFi works fine with Win and Mac OS X (hackintosh).Similarly, but much less important, the Bluetooth interface isn't visible, either.
I don't think we have any BT devices in the kernel at all, let alone in the GUI. What did you want to try doing with BT?
As for the Broadcom wifi card, is it USB or PCI? If it's PCI, show us the output of:
# pciconf -vl
If it's usb, give us the output of:
# usbconfig
The others in the thread are right, though, it's not likely to be supported if it wasn't detected automatically.
Checking the system log after you boot should show something as well (even if no driver attaches), but if it doesn't show up for assignment it probably isn't supported.