Squid Traffic mgmt/Throttle binary files
I'm using pfsense 2.0-beta3, i put it in the squid packages successfully. But at the Traffic mgmt/Throttle binary files does not work. I think there is a bug or something because if I edit manually squid.conf it just working with different code. Is there a solution? If not why we need to pfsense if i manage from ssh.
What exactly did you change in the config file? What did it look like before? If I can get the exact output when it does and does not work, then I can fix the package, but I need a lot more information.
i changed the line in the /usr/local/pkg/squid.inc as below:
915 $conf .= "# Throttle extensions matched in the url\n";
916 $conf .= "acl throttle_exts urlpath_regex -i "" . SQUID_ACLDIR . "/throttle_exts.acl"\n";
917 $conf .= "#delay_access 1 allow throttle_exts\n";
918 $conf .= "http_access deny throttle_exts !unrestricted_hosts\n";
919 $conf .= "#delay_access 1 deny all\n"; -
your change appears to deny access, not throttle the speed. Is that correct?
Yes its about resctriction to download some specific files…
Throtle binary files: That means you can download but restriction the download speed?
Throttle means to reduce the speed, not block.
Is there any possibilities to add download restrictions or do i have to use my solution?. :)
Not sure offhand, but you might be able to pull it off with squidguard if not in squid alone, or just put your line in the custom options box if it will work there.