802.11n cards compatable with pfsense 2.0 beta?
I know that BSD 7.x doesn't really support 802.11N, but I was wondering if pfSense 2.0 supports any PCI N cards that would be suitable for a small home/office deployment.
Not really. There are very few N cards properly supported by FreeBSD. I'm not sure if any of them have fully working N-speed rate control.
Some Atheros N cards will work, but at G speeds.
Here is a list of what we have now:
http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AojFUXcbH0ROdHgwYkFHbkRUdV9hVWljVWl5SXkxbFE&hl=enThough I do see that the bwn(4) driver snuck into FreeBSD 8.1 so we might be able to add that in. (But it only works as a client, not an access point)
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