Shaper queue question/bug
if we have filtering on the incoming and outgoing member interfaces set to 1 and filtering on the bridge interface set to 0 and if we have wireless bridged to lan and queues under lan, then do we also need the same under wireless coz if i do that then wireless goes almost dead, meaning clients r able to connect but clients cant reach the internet.
can some1 clear a clear picture on this coz it might be a bug
It might help to have some more details.
Clients can connect to what? (pfSense web server? or did you mean "associate"?)
Clients can't reach the internet: what happens to the attempts? Anything in the logs?
clients can connect to pfsense and pfsense gives out IP using dhcp even so clients r associated, now the issue is the clients r not able to surf, meaning cant open a web page or check mails etc but its not that its totally blocked but as son as u get associated and u quickly open a site, it might appear but after a few seconds all internet communication dies out, logs don't show any packet block and as soon as i disable all queues on the wireless, everything starts to work perfectly fine.
Which clients cant connect to internet? Wireless or lan or both?
Did you look at the gateway? (System - Routing) Maybe its missing the "default" entry? Happened to me too after a fresh install. -
only wireless clients have the issue, lan clients r normal.
under system -> routing the default rule exists (Interface wan Dynamic Gateway)