10gig filled up in 10 days.
After searching all over the place I finally found ntop as I assume it is what took up all my HDD. When you uninstall a package how can you get rid of all the other crap it left behind. As I think it left 10 gig worth of logs behind and deleting that using WINSCP seems to take forever.
I used putty and selected 8) shell from the menu and used rm -r ntop to try and delete it but it seems to take forever too.
Is there a better way?
I have the same issue… ntop took over my hd! in the end I wiped the drive and reinstalled. I assume it was logs or something. Any support from anyone?
I assume it was loging stats for ALL hosts, for example it was logging every ip/website statistics anyone visited. It is anoying when all I want is the LAN ips logged with some basic stats stored like total MB sent/recieved. But for some reason it is no longer giving me the number value beside the graphs either I just get the graphs.
Sort given up on ntop.