Loadbalancing Gui bug
Version used: 2.0-BETA4 X64
Status: Load Balancer: Virtual Server
Name ▾ Port Servers Status Description
SMTP 25 down 7777-inbound
CACHE 8080 down 7777-inbound
7777 7777 down 7777-inboundEveryting in "description" is named after the last entry at the bottom, in this case the 7777-inbound service
instead of SMTP-inbound etc etc …
Seems like a simple bug to me. -
The Virtual Server tab still needs some work.
I was working on the Pool tab earlier this week, it should be good now, but the VS status tab is known to have issues still.
I see!
Perhaps i'll try an update at some point.
Besides the gui bug, it seems to work fine though!Thanks for your response.
Since people are working on it. I ran into some issues using the load balancer
1. Spaces in names are allowed in the gui but not in the relayd config file
2. If you delete a monitor that is in use there is no warning but the load balancer will no longer work
3. You cannot use a http monitor for any other port beside 80. For other http servers one need to use a standard TCP monitor. (probably a relayd limitation)
4. If the configuration is invalid and relayd doesn't start, the loadbalancer log does not contain errors
5. The load balancer dashboard widget information differs from the load balancer status screen. (The later seems correct)Anyway, if one knows about some of these limitations one can work around them, but maybe there can be a few more checks in the gui ;)
1 should be fixed now, 3 is a limitation of relayd I believe.
2 probably just needs more input validation.
I'm not sure about 4. I thought someone had already fixed that tab to point to relayd.log
5 probably just needs updated with new code from the other page. Lots of changes happened there. Not sure how much work might be involved in that.