OpenVPN remote users
On a completely different note:
It would be great to see a little more information on where the upgrade is at on the firmware autoupgrade screen. I am no coder but it would be great to see some kind of response when the image is being expanded (and a progress indicator), when the MD5 has been verified, a response when it has been expanded and something saying it has been successful and the box is being rebooted.
I updated to the latest snapshot and the wizard still does not work, see screenshot.

I don't think a new snapshot run has fully completed since the fix to the wizard went in.
As for the firmware progress, it's already stated where it's at, but the md5 happens so fast you don't see it. I don't think there's a way to do a progress indicator for the expansion, but feel free to open a feature request for that (but the target should be "Future" and not 2.0)
Can't really say much else about the routing issue without seeing the exact configs.
Thanks heaps again jimp, please see attached screenshots.

What about the client config file? What's in it?
And do you have any client-specific-config setting defined for the client you're testing with?
And what about firewall rules? (Firewall > Rules, OpenVPN tab)
Please see attached screenshots

Please see attached screenshots. I have removed the IP from the OpenVPN client configuration.

Please see attached screenshots

The only two things that jump out at me are:
On the client, use a tun device, not tap.
On the client, uncheck enable DNS support unless you also enter an IP address for a DNS server (e.g. pfSense LAN IP.)
Thank you very much!
I used the DNS support and the Tap interface because this is what we used on 1.2.3. We were advised to use this configuration by pfSense support. We continue to pay for support but would rather use the forums if we can get a quick answer, so others can see how to do it also.
Are there any issues with using the Tun device (instead of Tap) and not enabling DNS support?
It seems you may have been told to use tap so that multicast would function on the tunnel, but that can cause other issues.
If the server is also set for tap, it may work, but there isn't a selector for tap in the server GUI (yet).
Thanks heaps again jimp!
We do use Apple Remote Desktop a bit so that is probably why they said to use tap instead of tun. Saying this, apple remote desktop does work over the connection I just setup based on your instructions. Thank You again!