RRD graphs error on 2.0-BETA4 (i386) Aug 27 23:40:39 (RESOLVED)
There seems to be an error in the scripts involved in the current build. It seems that when the graphs are viewed
just after midnight(it happens all the time), the scripts attempt to generate the RRD graphs with a Start Time that begins later than the End time?Edit:
Just to update, this is a full harddisk install on a Western Digital Raptor 74GB.
No packages are installed.
Oddly, the problem goes away when I access the WebGUI via Internet Explorer 8 (from my CyberCafe via WAN).
The problem persists with Firefox 3.6 though (internally from LAN or remotely from my Laptop).Example of the error I've gotten from the system logs.
php: /status_rrd_graph_img.php: Failed to create graph with error code 1, the error is: ERROR: start (1283126400) should be less than end (1283103301)/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph /tmp/lan-queues.rrd-12hour.png –start 1283126400 --end 1283103301 --vertical-label "bits/sec" --color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee --title "
- LAN :: Queues - 6 hours - 1 minute average" --height 200 --width 620 DEF:"lan=/var/db/rrd/lan-queues.rrd:lan:AVERAGE" CDEF:"lan-bytes_out=lan,0,209715200,LIMIT,UN,0,lan,IF" CDEF:"lan-bits_out=lan-bytes_out,8," AREA:"lan-bits_out#666666:lan" DEF:"qInternet=/var/db/rrd/lan-queues.rrd:qInternet:AVERAGE" CDEF:"qInternet-bytes_out=qInternet,0,209715200,LIMIT,UN,0,qInternet,IF" CDEF:"qInternet-bits_out=qInternet-bytes_out,8," AREA:"qInternet-bits_out#FF3300:qInternet" DEF:"qACK=/var/db/rrd/lan-queues.rrd:qACK:AVERAGE" CDEF:"qACK-bytes_out=qACK,0,209715200,LIMIT,UN,0,qACK,IF" CDEF:"qACK-bits_out=qACK-bytes_out,8,*" AREA:"qACK-bits_out#3366FF:Update:
I've just suffered a major problem (filter.inc.php got wiped out by the Edit File function) and did a Full Install using:
i386 build of 2.0 Beta4 built-on Fri Sep 17 14:32:23 EDT 2010.The hourly graph is now showing up correctly after midnight so the issue can be considered to be resolved. Kudos to the pfsense team!
just switched to Beta4 on a clean CF-card with my alix box and can confirm this.
2.0-BETA4 (i386)
built on Thu Sep 2 02:39:10 EDT 2010regards,
The error still remains after upgrading to: 2.0-BETA4 (i386) built on Thu Sep 2 00:18:53 EDT 2010
I've tried removing all the files in /var/db/rrd followed by disabling and re-enabling the RRD graphing but the problem still remains.
Oddly, I've actually tried accessing the RRD graphs (remotely from WAN) using Internet Explorer 8 and the problem went away. Local/ Remote access using Firefox 3.6 still shows the problem. It is most intriguing. I'll install Chrome and Opera to check again.
i can confirm this too, last update was last sunday 05.
but neither with cleared cache, nor remotely over wan i couldn't display the rrdgraphs.. i don't think the browsers rendering engine is the fault..
Graphs show up fine for me on a snap from yesterday:
2.0-BETA4 (i386)
built on Mon Sep 6 22:04:59 EDT 2010I don't get any errors in the system logs, and the graphs looks ok.
problem gone, without restarting or upgrading.. abra cadabra.. don't know what happened, but anyway thanks for taking a look everyone..
Having exact same problem with latest snap
Sep 8 06:45:54
php: /status_rrd_graph_img.php: Failed to create graph with error code 1, the error is: ERROR: start (1283950800) should be less than end (1283946354)/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph /tmp/system-processor.rrd-12hour.png --start 1283950800 --end 1283946354 --vertical-label "utilization, number" --color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee --title "hostname
- System :: Processor - 1 hour - 1 minute average" --height 200 --width 620 DEF:"user=/var/db/rrd/system-processor.rrd:user:AVERAGE" DEF:"nice=/var/db/rrd/system-processor.rrd:nice:AVERAGE" DEF:"system=/var/db/rrd/system-processor.rrd:system:AVERAGE" DEF:"interrupt=/var/db/rrd/system-processor.rrd:interrupt:AVERAGE" DEF:"processes=/var/db/rrd/system-processor.rrd:processes:AVERAGE" AREA:"user#990000:user" AREA:"nice#a83c3c:nice:STACK" AREA:"system#b36666:system:STACK" AREA:"interrupt#bd9090:interrupt:STACK" LINE2:"processes#cccccc:processes" COMMENT:"\n" COMMENT:" minimum average maximum current
I'll check this afternoon to see if it fixes itself for me too :)
Graphs show up fine for me on a snap from yesterday:
2.0-BETA4 (i386)
built on Mon Sep 6 22:04:59 EDT 2010I don't get any errors in the system logs, and the graphs looks ok.
Ok.. I've narrowed down the problem.
The first graph seems to be the problem.
This only happens when the local time on the system is between 12 midnight and 12 noon.
Viewing from LAN/ WAN with any browser yields the correct graphs only between 12 noon and 12 midnight.
Seems to me that the date/ time calculation is messed up when the RRD graphs are shifted to daily 12 hour graphs and the graph starts on or after 12 midnight (where the days are split).
The script somehow attempts to generate a graph where the end time is before the start time. -
That might explain why I don't see it when I'm testing in my VMs, most of them are left on UTC, so during my working hours it's always after noon and before midnight.
Sep 10 00:40:13 php: /status_rrd_graph_img.php: Failed to create graph with error code 1, the error is: ERROR: start (1284120000) should be less than end (1284093613)/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph /tmp/GW_WAN-quality.rrd-12hour.png \ –start 1284120000 --end 1284093613 \ --title "
- GW_WAN :: Quality - 7 hours - 1 minute average" \ --color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee \ --vertical-label "ms / %" \ --height 200 --width 620 \ --lower-limit 0 \ DEF:delayraw=/var/db/rrd/GW_WAN-quality.rrd:delay:AVERAGE \ DEF:loss=/var/db/rrd/GW_WAN-quality.rrd:loss:AVERAGE \ "CDEF:delay=delayraw,1000," \ "CDEF:roundavg=delay,PREV(delay),+,2,/" \ "CDEF:loss10=loss,-1," \ "CDEF:r0=delay,20,MIN" \ "CDEF:r1=delay,60,MIN" \ "CDEF:r2=delay,180,MIN" \ "CDEF:r3=delay,420,MIN" \ COMMENT:" Delay Packet loss\n" \ AREA:delay#990000:"> 420 ms" \ GPRINT:delay:MIN:" Min: %7.2lf ms" \ GPRINT:loss:MIN:" Min: %3.1lf %%\n" \ AREA:r3#a83c3c:"180-420
Sep 10 00:40:00 php: /status_rrd_graph_img.php: Failed to create graph with error code 1, the error is: ERROR: start (1284120000) should be less than end (1284093600)/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph /tmp/GW_WAN-quality.rrd-12hour.png \ --start 1284120000 --end 1284093600 \ --title "hostname
- GW_WAN :: Quality - 7 hours - 1 minute average" \ --color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee \ --vertical-label "ms / %" \ --height 200 --width 620 \ --lower-limit 0 \ DEF:delayraw=/var/db/rrd/GW_WAN-quality.rrd:delay:AVERAGE \ DEF:loss=/var/db/rrd/GW_WAN-quality.rrd:loss:AVERAGE \ "CDEF:delay=delayraw,1000," \ "CDEF:roundavg=delay,PREV(delay),+,2,/" \ "CDEF:loss10=loss,-1," \ "CDEF:r0=delay,20,MIN" \ "CDEF:r1=delay,60,MIN" \ "CDEF:r2=delay,180,MIN" \ "CDEF:r3=delay,420,MIN" \ COMMENT:" Delay Packet loss\n" \ AREA:delay#990000:"> 420 ms" \ GPRINT:delay:MIN:" Min: %7.2lf ms" \ GPRINT:loss:MIN:" Min: %3.1lf %%\n" \ AREA:r3#a83c3c:"180-420Yep..happens after midnight. Its OK during the day.
2.0-BETA4 (i386) built on Fri Sep 10 05:09:52 EDT 2010
09-11-2010 00:52:40 User.Warning Sep 11 00:52:46 php: /status_rrd_graph_img.php: Failed to create graph with error code 1, the error is: ERROR: start (1284202800) should be less than end (1284177166)/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph /tmp/wan-packets.rrd-12hour.png –start 1284202800 --end 1284177166 --vertical-label "packets/sec" --color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee --title "
- INTERNET :: Packets - 7 hours - 1 minute average" --height 200 --width 620 DEF:"wan-in_pps_pass=/var/db/rrd/wan-packets.rrd:inpass:AVERAGE" DEF:"wan-out_pps_pass=/var/db/rrd/wan-packets.rrd:outpass:AVERAGE" DEF:"wan-in_pps_block=/var/db/rrd/wan-packets.rrd:inblock:AVERAGE" DEF:"wan-out_pps_block=/var/db/rrd/wan-packets.rrd:outblock:AVERAGE" CDEF:"wan-in_pps=wan-in_pps_pass,wan-in_pps_block,+" CDEF:"wan-out_pps=wan-out_pps_pass,wan-out_pps_block,+" CDEF:"wan-out_pps_pass_neg=wan-out_pps_pass,-1," CDEF:"wan-out_pps_block_neg=wan-out_pps_block,-1," CDEF:"wan-pps_in_pass=wan-in_pps_pass,0,12500000,LIMIT,UN,0,wan-in_pps_pass,IF,60,*" C<000> -
That might explain why I don't see it when I'm testing in my VMs, most of them are left on UTC, so during my working hours it's always after noon and before midnight.
Aye. It is about the same for me. I have one box in a production environment (my CyberCafe) and one box at home (testing done here before rolling out). Unfortunately, I can only check in after midnight since I can only work after closing hours and generally get home after midnight as well.
Tentatively, I've had both boxes rolled-backed to Aug 8 build. This issue only seemed to arise after the 'fix' for the RRD graphs were commited on 27th Aug.
I'll look into it. This is something that never occured to me, I don't get to code a lot after 12 pm anymore which kind of explains the issue.
I'll look into it. This is something that never occured to me, I don't get to code a lot after 12 pm anymore which kind of explains the issue.
It isn't extremely important as far as bugs go (the RRD data isn't corrupted at all) but it will be nice to have it fixed.
IMO, the RRD graphing bug fix commited on 27th Aug is probably more important for most users since it consistently solved the issues with the quality and queues graphs not showing up. I can always live with viewing the graphs during the day when required.On a side note, does anyone know how the custom graphs timing is formatted? eg. 1283103301 Which would be the year/ month/ week or day etc?
It's a unix timestamp, though it would be nice to have that be a more "friendly" format…
I'll just bookmark the Unix time stamp converter and use it then. -
If someone has a good calendar or time picker tool that easily fills the field with the correct unix timestamp value I'm open for suggestions.
This one looks neat…
http://www.rainforestnet.com/datetimepicker.htmYou can use PHP's time functions to convert any date/time string to (and from) a unix timestamp before using it, so it doesn't necessarily have to expose a unix timestamp to the user.