Captive Portal redirect not working on 2.0 Beta 4 Sept 13 build
I'm using 2.0-BETA4 (i386) built on Mon Sep 13 08:05:00 EDT 2010. When users enter a voucher, they don't get redirected to the site they want to visit. Instead, they are brought back to the voucher / landing page.
Currently, the only major settings I changed are activating the Captive Portal, using vouchers, and putting up a dual wan setup.
Can they surf after that?
I think I may know the cause of this. It could be that change to prevent accidentally posting to the page you had originally tried to load when logging into the pfSense webConfigurator. If the captive portal is using that function for some part of the redirect, it would be redirecting to / and bringing the user back to the login page. Probably either the captive portal needs a hidden field with that value that makes it not redirect after the post or the function needs to be fixed so it redirects to the same page it did the post to.
Can they surf after that?
Yup. If they enter any internet address on the browser, they can already go directly to it.
Not sure if it helps, but I'm placing my HTML for the login page. :)
| Please enter your voucher data below. | | |
The change I thought may have been the cause doesn't seem to be it. I tried changing it and there is no change to the redirect after logging in.
Try latest snapshots and report if they worked ok.
Um, current snapshot doesn't even show the captive portal screen. :)
I'm using 2.0-BETA4 (i386) built on Fri Sep 17 14:32:23 EDT 2010