[Solved] unable to connect to OPT1 ftp server from LAN
I'm in this config: WAN/LAN/OPT1. A FTP server in passive mode is behind opt1.
NAT rules works great and everything works fine for external IP's but not from LAN computers.I enable the TFTP proxy on LAN and trying to connect to the ftp internal ip.
I get "227 Entering Passive Mode" with the exteran ip so he can't connect…
It was working on 1.2.3 because the ftp proxy helper return internal ip in passive mode.And i can't connect from LAN using external ip I get "connection to"
and nothing append.Is it a bug or i have another NAT rule to create? Can you help me?
Kind regards,
i just create a NAT rule:
If Proto Src. addr Src. ports Dest. addr Dest. ports NAT IP NAT Ports Description
LAN TCP * * ip) 21 (FTP) 21 (FTP) FTPand it works fine now.
Is my NAT seems correct for my configuration?