Option to boot other slice?
Hi guys,
I'm using the embedded version of pfsense installed on a CF card.
Maybe I'm missing it, but is there an option to boot the other slice on the CF card from the console (serial) menu?
I last Friday I had a problem with an update (detailed here: http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,28032.0.html) that prevented pfsense from coming up after an update. I'm usually pretty good about duplicating my current slice before doing any big changes so I expected this to be a pretty simple problem to resolve. I took a look at the console menu but couldn't find any option to boot from the other slice. Luckily I had a different CF card that was only slightly out of date that I could boot so I could get a version from earlier that week. Then I wrote out the image & restored my config, got back online and did it all again to get pfsene booting on the original flash.
Can someone confirm that such an option exists, and if so where would I would find it in the serial menu?
Thank you!
The first screen when booting up pfSense nanobsd builds lets you pick slice 1 or 2 by typing a 1 or a 2.
You can switch from the shell by running
It may eventually get added to the menu on NanoBSD, but it is there to run by hand. It's also in the GUI under Diagnostics > NanoBSD.
NanoBSD version I have installed CF on a plate
Because it looks at startup option to change the slice β¦.?On the screen the cursor goes it takes 1 minute and then
BTX loader 1.00 .... etc
after it begins to exit the serial port.
There are no options to choose at boot slice.Greetings.
That choice happens on the serial port.
Hi jimp,
Are you sure there's still a prompt to choose the slice you are booting up?
I just rebooted my pfsense box to check and I don't think I saw any options to do so. I'm running an embedded AMD64 build from Sept. 11th.
Here is the serial output of my system booting from right after the "All buffers synced" message to FreeBSD booting up:
β-Begin serial output---
Uptime: 15d20h40m49s
/boot.config: -h
Consoles: serial port
BIOS drive C: is disk0
BIOS 624kB/1030080kB available memoryFreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1
(sullrich@FreeBSD_8.0_pfSense_2.0-snaps.pfsense.org, Sat Sep 11 16:14:22 EDT 2010)
Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf
/boot/kernel/kernel text=0x85a014 data=0x3c73d4+0x818e0
Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.β-End serial output---
If I hit the space key at the prompt in the last line I get taken to an "OK" prompt that looks like I could tell the boot loader (?) to boot the other slice, but it would take a little bit of googling to figure out the syntax...an option that might not be available if I'm looking to boot the second slice!
Is that the correct place to even be looking to boot the other slice?
Personally I think there ought to at least be an option on the console setup menu and something more obvious in the regular boot process to choose to boot the other slice.
There is no NanoBSD for amd64.
The boot selection only happens on NanoBSD, not a full install with an embedded kernel.
The problem is that the serial console does not exit until it starts booting.
So do not you can select the slice
This happens in generic PC, I think with other hardware output port
series occurs at the beginning.It is unfortunate that not exsist VGA output.
The serial console does not really have a concept of "connected" or "not connected" at all. If you are using one of the nanobsd images and don't see the choices on the serial console, then the computer just didn't send it or you didn't start your terminal on the other end soon enough.
Hi jimp, Efonne and all,
First thing, just to clarify I am running an embedded i386 buildβ¦I was thinking FreeNAS, my other embedded system, when I was describing my environment in my post last night.
That said, if you look at my previous post (and assuming I'm actually looking for the right thing) it appears that how you execute the "boot other slice" option isn't nearly as obvious as it should be...especially if you find yourself in a situation where you really need to boot the other slice.
So a couple of questions because there seems to be some confusion about this:
Is the "Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt." when the system is booting the right place to choose the other slice?
If so, what is the proper syntax for the command to boot the other slice at the resulting "OK" prompt?
I had a putty session consoled into the pfsense box and across several reboots last night did not see any other prompts other than the "Hit [Enter]β¦" message shown in the boot sequence in my message from last night. I don't have to connect or disconnect the serial session, so timoing isn't an issue...putty just displays whatever comes across the port.
All that said, is there any thoughts on my suggestion to at least add a "boot other slice" option to the console setup menu?
Even when I setup a NanoBSD-based build in a VM, I get the 1/2 boot prompt on the (virtual in that case) serial terminal via PuTTY.
It's before the kernel loads, yes, it's immediately after the boot loader kicks in. It pauses for a couple seconds for a response, then continues to boot. If you are at the "OK" prompt, it's too late.
Every NanoBSD setup I've done on 1.2.3 or 2.0 does this properly.
Hi jimp,
Fair enough, as you can see by my serial log my system doesn't.
Any idea how to fix?
Any thoughts on adding "boot other slice" option to the console menu?
Take a backup, rewrite the drive/media from a NanoBSD image, and restore your config.
Hi jimp,
That's what I did when I can into the problem that prompted me to need to boot the other slice.
This was back in the end of august when the snapshots were being troublesome upon reboot, I don't remember the exact error.
I can certainly give your suggestion another shot.
Make sure you are writing out a complete NanoBSD image to the drive, and not just an upgrade slice (those can only be used through the pfSense upgrade process, not with dd or similar utils)
Hi jimp,
I'm pretty sure I did.
I'll give it another shot soon though.
what about adding this as an option to the console menu?
For NanoBSD you can switch slices at the console with /etc/rc.nanobsd_switch_boot_slice
But if your NanoBSD install is actually working properly, you will have the 1/2 options at boot time.
Hi jimp,
Will I just tried writing out an image to a different CF card and still didn't see the menu.
I used this file:
and wrote it out with the physdiskwrite.exe\physGUI.exe combo of utilites on a freshly wiped CF card.
The results were the same as what I posted previously, there was no menu or option to boot the other slice, the only choice I saw was the option to "Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt." which I'm pretty sure we have established is not where I want to go to select the other slice.
Other than that the system seemed to boot correctly. So now what? What can I do to help you help me to get this option working?
Also what about adding "boot second slice" added as an option to the console menu, which seems to be much easier than (editing, running) some file located in /etc?
A menu option can be added, one that only shows up on NanoBSD, but that doesn't help your situation overall though, often when you need to boot the other slice by hand, you do so because you cannot boot the current slice at all for whatever reason.
Hi jimp,
Sure it won't help in all cases, but in the situation I found myself inβ¦I think it was this one:
it might have.
Either way, any idea what I can do to help resolve why I don't get the menu that lets me select the slice at bootup?
I'm booting from a CF card in a SATA <-> CF adapter. I don't get (and don't recall ever seeing) the menu you see that allows you to select to boot single user like you see in the rest of the FreeBSD family.