Disconnect button broken again
Hello all,
I'm running the current snap :
2.0-BETA4 (i386)
built on Sat Oct 9 09:31:31 EDT 2010
FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE-p1And reported this issue already here :
But as that thread was focused on different (but still related?) issues, I thought I should start a separate thread for this.
If I navigate to Status–>Interfaces then click "Disconnect" on either of my PPPoE interfaces, the interface loses it's IP, but never shows offline. Instead, the "Disconnect" button never changes to "Connect" and the interface reports as "Up" with an IP of
The only way to get the interface to reconnect seems to be a reboot. I've tried disabling the interface then re-enabling it, I've tried modifying the interface gateway and I've tried editing a firewall rule to trigger a reconnect, but it remains "Up" with as the IP.
Like others with multiple GWs, I'm experiencing the "gathering data" which " killall -9 apinger; /usr/local/sbin/apinger -c /var/etc/apinger.conf" does seem to fix, and the multiple default gateway bug which gnhb has apparently already fixed (http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,28960.msg150863.html#msg150863) - just waiting for a fresh snap to generate to try it.
Any suggestions?
-- Phob
I can't reproduce this on my system. My Disconnect button seems okay. BTW are you using some form of Dial-On-Demand on your PPPoE links? Check that setting in your link configuration.GB
Hi gnhb,
Yes - I have "Enable Dial-On-Demand mode" enabled on my PPPoE interfaces - I thought this was required for "always on" functionality?
– Phob
Hi again,
OK - unticking Dial-on-Demand mode makes the disconnect button function again, but I haven't changed that setting since 1.2.3 so I guess something else changed with the way PPPoE is handled when that button is pressed. :)
Anyway - without that ticked, must I manually connect at each firewall reboot?
– Phob
no, this just means that pfsense would just do a connection on it`s ready interface if needed, i.e. visiting a website. you don't have to reconnect manually after reboot. at least not for pppoe, dhcp or static assigned ip's. if u don't set a idle timeout, dial on demand or a periodic reset, say leave everything like default, you shouldn't have any problems at all.
OK - that is new information for me, so thanks!
gnhb : I no longer get "Gathering Data" on the Gateway Status screen, but I do still get BLUE coloured bars and "Gathering Data" on Status–>Gateways-->Gateway Groups for my two PPPoE interfaces. (after successfully disconnecting and reconnecting via Status-->Interfaces)
Is this a new item, or the same core issue as the Gateway Status "Gathering Data"?
Many thanks!
-- Phob
Hello again,
I noticed that after making a change to my PPPoE interfaces, under System–>Routing the associated GWs were in RED again instead of GREY.
Deleting the GW entries which seems to force an automatic regeneration caused them to come back GREY, and all associated GW Groups are now GREEN/Online.
So - is this expected behaviour? Do we need to recreate an interface's gateway entry any time changes to that interface are made? (in my case it was turning off "Dial-on-Demand" in my PPPoE interfaces)
-- Phob
i have the same problem, with period pppoe reset enabled also, once the connection is brought down, it never gets up, according to logs, it seems the mpd5 daemon cant be exited and then restarted
Oct 13 09:04:26 ppp: Multi-link PPP daemon for FreeBSD
Oct 13 09:04:26 ppp:
Oct 13 09:04:26 ppp: process 60566 started, version 5.5 (root@FreeBSD_8.0_pfSense_2.0-snaps.pfsense.org 18:28 11-Oct-2010)
Oct 13 09:04:26 ppp: waiting for process 51186 to die…
Oct 13 09:04:56 ppp: last message repeated 29 times
Oct 13 09:04:56 ppp: can't lock /var/run/pppoe_wan.pid after 30 attempts
Oct 13 09:06:39 ppp: Multi-link PPP daemon for FreeBSD
Oct 13 09:06:39 ppp:
Oct 13 09:06:39 ppp: process 62726 started, version 5.5 (root@FreeBSD_8.0_pfSense_2.0-snaps.pfsense.org 18:28 11-Oct-2010)
Oct 13 09:06:39 ppp: waiting for process 51186 to die...
Oct 13 09:06:42 ppp: Multi-link PPP daemon for FreeBSD
Oct 13 09:06:42 ppp:
Oct 13 09:06:42 ppp: process 63461 started, version 5.5 (root@FreeBSD_8.0_pfSense_2.0-snaps.pfsense.org 18:28 11-Oct-2010)
Oct 13 09:06:42 ppp: waiting for process 51186 to die...so after this i goto the shell and kill the mpd5 and then go back to interfaces and click connect coz till its running, it shows as disconnect button on clicking only the above logs keep repeating but the connection isnt able to be brought down and up again.
Please try latest snapshots where some fixes related to restarting processes where made.