Loadbalancing 2 WAN 1 LAN
built on Wed Jul 28 22:34:32 EDT 2010
FreeBSD 8.1-RC2I have two PPPOE WAN connections (Same ISP), Created a gateway group. [gwg.jpg - attached]
My problem is I always get one WAN connection active at a time. If I disconnect WAN1 and reconnect WAN2 it works, however WAN1 will remain disconnected until WAN2 is disconnected
Is something wrong with my configuration..? or am I just doing it wrong ???
attached is a screenshot of the gateway group status [gws.jpg]
ps: for the gateway setup, I tried the default configuration and my second attempt I added openDNS ip's for each WAN's monitor IP.
Thank you!
Do your 2 WAN connections use the same gateway? I know this doesn't work in 1.2 but I'm not sure about 2.0. I'm thinking no after reading your post.
I guess your provider doesn't offer mlppp? It's worth finding out if you're not sure, as it has advantages over load-balancing, and no disadvantage if your modems are syncing at similar speeds. It's also very functional in 2.0, as I can tell you from experience.
Do your 2 WAN connections use the same gateway? I know this doesn't work in 1.2 but I'm not sure about 2.0. I'm thinking no after reading your post.
No, it doesn't work on 2.0 either.
Both WANs were using the same gateway >_< Added a router, all good ;D
Do your 2 WAN connections use the same gateway? I know this doesn't work in 1.2 but I'm not sure about 2.0. I'm thinking no after reading your post.
No, it doesn't work on 2.0 either.
After telling a few people this myself they tried anyways and it does indeed work. I'm now using this so I didn't have to put a router in to change the gateway. It does work but I'm not able to access one of the modems on it. Fine with me. Using Google DNS btw.
pfsense 1.2.3