OpenVPN Client cannot pass traffic on LAN unless PROXYARP is added, why?
I've attempted to setup an OpenVPN server on 2.0 (I've done this before). This time, I was unable to pass any traffic and my rules were correct. I found the only way I could pass any traffic beyond eother the OpenVPN or pfSense internal IP addresses, was to add a proxy arp ip address for the open vpn client itself.
I did this because with PPTP I have seen the same behavior and used this same resolution.
My question is "why" doesn't either the PPTP or OpenVPN client get to pass any traffic without a Proxy ARP address added manually?
While it is something that can be done manually, I have never seen the RTFM say that this should be an expected step.
Does a JIRA need to be filed?
You don't give nearly enough info there to speculate.
Is OpenVPN trying to use the same subnet as LAN? Was PPTP? How is your OpenVPN server setup? How was PPTP setup?