Rrd qualty graph showing strange graph
I have a strange option in my quality graph.
I think it is an error but I want to verify before opening a ticket.I have these graph choices:
- Allgraph
- Outbound
- WAN2
- WAN1
- WAN11
The WAN11 doesn't exist as an interface.
I have a gateway group WANS but not WAN11. Also the graphs are empty. -
It could be that it's just a old entry in routing your have deleted?
The list of graphs that show up there is a list of the graphs that match the right pattern on the HDD. It could be a very old file, or you may have named an interface that once and then immediately renamed it, but it was that way long enough to make a graph file.
You'd just have to look for any files with WAN11 in the name under /var/db/rrd/ and rm them.
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