No access Web Interface when set ip on lan
I am running PFSense 2.0 on VirtualBox in Ubuntu.
The interface Wan with IP via DHCP.
When I set the ip on the Lan interface can no longer access PFSense via the web interface.
Where am I wrong? -
When I set the ip on the Lan interface can no longer access PFSense via the web interface.
How did you access the pfSense web interface BEFORE you set the LAN IP address? Through which interface and using what IP address?
How did you attempt to access the pfSense web interface AFTER you set the LAN IP address? Through which interface and using what IP address?
It is often (maybe even always) necessary to restart the webconfigurator (menu item 11 in the console menu) after changing the LAN IP address.
How did you access the pfSense web interface BEFORE you set the LAN IP address? Through which interface and using what IP address?
Yes! I can access Web Interface Throug which wan interface with Wan Ip (Given by VirtualBox via DHCP)
How did you attempt to access the pfSense web interface AFTER you set the LAN IP address? Through which interface and using what IP address
Through of both address. Wan and Lan
It is often (maybe even always) necessary to restart the webconfigurator (menu item 11 in the console menu) after changing the LAN IP address.
I tried using the option 11 but continued with the same problem.
I do not have this network
I just wanted to test the options pfsense II and with this I need to set a Lan.For now thanks for help
I believe that once you enable the LAN interface management traffic is blocked on the WAN interface.
If you don't have a computer on the LAN network that you can manage pfSense from, you will need to create a firewall rule on the WAN interface before you enable your LAN that will accept TCP traffic on ports 443 (or 80 or 22 depending on how you manage your firewall).
PJ2 thanks for your help, but by default the rule already exists with description "Anti-Lockout Rule"
Yes - that rule moves to the LAN interface when the LAN is enabled. You will need to create a manual rule on the WAN interface if you want it to apply after you enable the LAN.
PJ2 Thank you!
It Worked!
I create the rule accepting everything in the wan interface
After I enabled Lan Interface I remove "Anti-Lockout Rule" in the Lan Interface!