Snort won't uninstall/reinstall
Snort didn't install properly and then wouldn't uninstall or reinstall (as it said it was actually installed). The logs say: php: /pkg_mgr_install.php: XML error: no packagegui object found! The last thing it said was "Removing snort components…" Bad pig.
It might have something to do with the suspicious reset to factory defaults of my previous post, as it was previously installed. Too tired to investigate any more tonight. Will dig into the problem in the morning.
BUMP. I just had this happen on 2.0BETA4 Thu Nov 11 22:40:13 EST 2010 build.
The snort package is not installed (pkg_info) but appears installed in the installed packages list. Is there a process to manually clear the package list entries?
You can download a config backup and edit out the snort package entry.
But you should also be upgrading to recent snapshots and retesting before reporting problems.
I seem to be getting this
Beginning package installation for snort…
Downloading package configuration file... done.
Saving updated package information... done.
Downloading snort and its dependencies...
Checking for package installation...
Downloading ... could not download from there or
of mysql-client-5.1.53 failed!Installation aborted.Backing up libraries...
There are several other threads open for that error, and some workarounds posted there.
Sorry I will search for them.
It is funny that I found the answer to a completely new problem on an old thread I started.
In any case, I believe this is what we were looking for this evening:,31058.msg160687.html#msg160687
It just worked for me on 2.0-BETA5 (i386) built on Tue Dec 28 05:36:55 EST 2010.