Is the snapshot server down?
I saw an update come in and when I tried to install it, it failed. Now the firewall says "unable to check for updates". My internet connection is healthy and I'm able to browse other sites, use email and my web servers are serving their pages.
I rebooted the firewall and tried it again and caught the exact error messages:
"Downloading complete but sha256 does not match.
Auto upgrade aborted.
Downloaded SHA256: bae2a20fafce55ff5b5fdb366e61dc798e090471698f562c7c8e628f5725f89b
Needed SHA256:"
It seems to be working fine here. Do you have anything else between pfSense and the 'net? That could affect this.
Something to try: see if you can use a browser on a machine behind pfSense to browse the update server. Check from in front of the pfSense box as well if possible.