Squidguard blacklist download not working 2.0-RC1
Is there any way to manually decompress the gzip and put the folders into place so I can have the filter working?
I am close. I can extract the black list from URLBlacklist and copy to /var/db/squidGuard but as soon as I click apply in the gui the directory disappears and I can not get it to list the blacklists in the squidguard gui. There has to be something to point to it maybe from the config.xml or maybe I need to enter something into the database?
Any ideas????
Thank you,
ProBSD -
Found this:
Initializing the blacklists –--
squidGuard -C all
chown -R proxy:proxy /var/db/squidGuard/*But when i run this it deletes the contents of /var/db/squidGuard.
I got the manaul install for urlblacklist.com to work.
Download bigblacklist.tar.gz > copy to /var/tmp/ > in squidguard gui go to General tab and in Blacklist URL enter /var/tmp/bigblacklist.tar.gz > click save > go to Blacklist tab > click download, when "Blacklist update complete" appears at the bottom of window then go to Common ACL > click green arrow where it says "Target Rules List (click here)" and make the appropreiate changes > click save at bottom of page > go to General Tab and click apply. That's it. All works great. Now if maintainer can get SquidGuard to download from URLBlacklist directly we will be in great shape. And yes a setting to configure a background cron job to automatically download and update the blacklist at specified times would make this package fantastic!
Yes! version pfSense-2.0-RC1-i386-20110317-0727.iso.gz - blacklist work :)
I use the 64-bit version, but I will check tonight to see. Thanks for the heads up.
…a setting to configure a background cron job to automatically download and update the blacklist at specified times would make this package fantastic!
Perhaps not such a capital idea.
This blacklist, is, yes, comprehensive and effective. HOWEVER it's also commercial. Not free. Pretty sure the maintainers don't mind a few downloads here and there, but regular downloads - as specified on their web page - are a subscription service. You have to pay for downloading at one-week intervals. Personally, I update it about once every six months (if that often), and even with that I'm considering tossing them a few $$. Does me fine, and if you watch the logs, you'll see what I mean.
I'd be careful to avoid drawing too much attention, aka hitting their download server at regular and frequent intervals - as they may tighten up their honour system and render it unavailable. That would make me a sad panda.
There are other freely available lists (mentioned earlier) that likely wouldn't care as much, as they don't expect a monetary return.
Just some food for thought :)
This blacklist, is, yes, comprehensive and effective. HOWEVER it's also commercial. Not free….....
Ready blacklists for the lazy - I have created, analyzing the traffic of users. me free ;D
Even though I may only download and update once, sometimes twice a month, I do pay an annual fee for 2 downloads per week, for my home network. This way I know I can help support that project and it will continue. Just as the $100.00 annual donation I provide for PFSense/FreeBSD.
I personally feel PFSense is the best firewall for home thru mid-size organizations, I don't have enterprise experience so I can't speak for that. I have it installed at about a dozen of my customer's locations including 2 police departments and 1 village hall. One police department is utilizing Squid and Squidguard with blacklists through captive portal and the chief regularly checks lightsquid to see where his employess navagate to. We have 3 LANs tied to his box using dual port server nics and it runs perfect. His original Sonicwall would only allow 7 Mbps and he just upgraded to a comcast cable internet with speed tests pushing 111Mbps so I put this in place and he loves it. He is now getting 93Mbps for his networks. Now that I can get his blacklist updated will have him sign up for urlblacklist too. If it were a scheduled cron job you could specify how often it should download and update as to not go beyond the subscription he chooses. I will have to manually update his as he would have a problem performing all of the steps.
Most awesome!! Great to see ppl supporting open source projects.
Just had to do a quick morality check - nothing to see here, move along :)
Hello from Turkiye !
The problem is Microsoft Internet Explorer. It is working on Firefox !
this problems is IE, l change to use chrome, l solve this problems ;D
Hi Guys I just want to help you guys with the problem you are having and giving you all the solution that worked for me to upload the Blacklist. I was having the same problem when hitting download nothing happened. Even do I setup correclty the URL under "General Settings", "Blacklist Options" chequed enabled and filled in the Backlist URL "http://www.shallalist.de/Downloads/shallalist.tar.gz". In my case I found out that Internet Explorer 8 is not working. I tried using Google Chrome, same procedure and everything worked just fine. I did not try any other borwser but for me IE 8 did not work. Hope it works for you guys also.