Which nanobsd image for 512MB CF?
I've managed to get my hands on an old Soekris Net4511 box which has 512MB of CF. I wanted to try playing with pfsense ipv6 on it but was curious as to which embedded image I should pick from here: http://files.pfsense.org/jimp/ipv6/
The regular 2.0 builds have one for 512MB.
I just ran into this myself. I broke the alix CF card and all I have is a 1G card
net45xx's aren't supported, only have 64 MB RAM.
Thanks for the info. I just realized that after I got console connectivity into the device. Boooo. I managed to install the 2.0 official release but it was just not usable at all. I'll probably wait to get myself one of the ALIX setups instead.