DHCP Stopped working
i'm fairly new to pfSense.
Created a pfSense 2.0 box to replace the existing debian-based firewall/gateway i had.The box has two WANs and two LANs.
Set up everything: the interfaces, dhcp, openvpn, port forwarding, captive portal, static leases.
Everything working like a charm-Today i noticed that a cpl clients on one of the LAN interfaces kept disconnecting. Would receive the lease once the cable would just plug in, then lose it in a few moments.
Rebooted the box and now dhcp won't send out leases at all.
Then i noticed this is also happening on the other lan interface as well.
Meanwhile if configured with static ip's, the clients work like a charm-Any ideas.
Best regards and thanks in advace. -
can you show screenshot of your dhcp-server page?
Hello Metu69salemi.
Thanks for your reply.
I did some more investigating this morning.I removed all the static leases and left it as simple dhcp. Works again.
I'm curious if there's some sort of caveat to know here.The network is built this way.
I have machines with static leases spread from to
I have left a dynamic pool fro to 180.
Then continue with static leases from to 253.I modified the config.xml file today and removed all the static leases.
DHCP works. On all interfaces. Place them again, goes again.Here's a screenshot of the config-
As i said as long as i don't place the static leases, works fine.Another thing. The laptop i'm working on right now, has an ip i assigned manually
On the Status: DHCP leases view, that host shows as offline.
You should not have problems if were believing the image ;)
But how did you add those static ip-leases?
:) yes you can believe the image.
a bunch i added from the interface.
then since i realized i have a hundred and some entries, i wrote a little script to parse the config file of my actual dhcp server and deliver me entries like this:
<staticmap><mac>7C:C5:xx:xx:xx:xx</mac> <ipaddr>10.0.0.xxx</ipaddr> <hostname>sids-iphone</hostname></staticmap> <staticmap></staticmap>
which then i proceeded to add to config.xml
they all show up correctly.
now i reverted to a clean config, (without the static leases) and adding them gradually still from config.xml-
seems to still be ok but i'm only at the beginning.do you thing i should continue just from the gui?
Nope, was fine for a while. Then started doing it again.
Maybe, i simply need to add them all from the interface.
There should be no difference that if you add them via gui or by editing config.xml(if you add them sameway as gui add'em)
But i had this kind of entry when i tried<staticmap><mac>75:75:75:76:76:76</mac> <ipaddr></ipaddr> <hostname>test</hostname></staticmap>
So you might need to add description also.
Or there is problem, because you're not having continous block of static ip's or something
i just finished adding everything by hand through the gui.
Loads of entries.
So far so good. Still hasn't dropped anything.Now i have some news.
This was the 2nd time i added entries manually.
It blocked once. Deleted a bunch and restarted again, all from the gui.
And it was fine since-Your remark about the comment section underlined something crucial-
Meanwhile it's not important to have a comment value, i should really have an opening tag now shouldn't it?Would explain why it would get all weird about it.
Which then would imply the php-xml parser should be re-checked ;)So, if if holds , and the mistake was mine (very gladly so), seems like i might have resolved my problem.
I'm sorry i can't explain that because i'm just normal user.. Not a dev or package maker
It's all good :). Once i find some time i might take a look at the php code of the gui parser myself.
The box it's stable and in production now :)