He.net dynamic dns issue
AFAIK the he.net dyndns type is for their dyndns service, not for updating an ipv6 tunnel endpoint IP. I'd have to look the code over to double check though.
AFAIK the he.net dyndns type is for their dyndns service, not for updating an ipv6 tunnel endpoint IP. I'd have to look the code over to double check though.
They also have an interface to update the tunnel endpoint IP.
Usage: https://ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/ipv4_end.php?ip=IPV4ADDR&pass=MD5PASS&apikey=USERID&tid=TUNNELID -or-: https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/ipv4_end.php?tid=TUNNELID (auto-detect IP) Ā Ā Ā https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/ipv4_end.php?tid=TUNNELID&ip=IPV4ADDR IPV4ADDR: Your IPv4 endpoint.Ā Set to AUTO to determine your IP based on the IP you requested this page from.Ā Previously passed as ipv4b. MD5PASS : The MD5 hash of your password.Ā You may be able to 'echo -n YOURPASSWORD | md5sum' to produce the MD5 hash of your password. USERIDĀ : The UserID shown on the main page of tunnelbroker.net when you log in.Ā Previously referred to as user_id. TUNNELID: The ID of the tunnel you're updating the endpoint on.Ā This can be found on the tunnel information page.Ā Previously referred to as the Global Tunnel ID / tunnel_id.
I meant the he.net dyndns type in our code, not on their servers :-) The one in our code only goes to "https://dyn.dns.he.net/nic/update"
Though that is awesome that they have the update there. Last I saw they had some clunky perl script that did a POST to the tunnelbroker site. It should be possible to code up an update type for that rather easily then.
smacks the easy button
love the easy button!!
awesome, thanks jimp!
Thanks jimp !Ā ;D
This isn't working for me. System log lists:
php: /services_dyndns_edit.php: phpDynDNS: (Error) Bad Request - Missing/Invalid Parameters.Looking at the code in the commit above it seems that maybe HE changed the parameters they're expecting. I have this working in a script (on my desktop), this is what I'm using:
https://ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/ipv4_end.php?ipv4b=$NEW_IP&pass=$HEPASS&user_id=$HEUSER&tunnel_id=$HETUNNELWhere $HEUSER is the user ID from the HE web page (not the username I log in to the site with) and $HEPASS is and MD5 hash of my HE web page login password.
Still updating and working fine for me.
The settings in the GUI are:
Hostname: tunnel id
Username: he.net username
Password: he.net passwordAccording to their spec, your way works too.
We use the https method with basic auth and tid (middle choice here)
Usage: https://ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/ipv4_end.php?ip=IPV4ADDR&pass=MD5PASS&apikey=USERID&tid=TUNNELID -or-: https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/ipv4_end.php?tid=TUNNELID (auto-detect IP) Ā Ā Ā https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/ipv4_end.php?tid=TUNNELID&ip=IPV4ADDR IPV4ADDR: Your IPv4 endpoint.Ā Set to AUTO to determine your IP based on the IP you requested this page from.Ā Previously passed as ipv4b. MD5PASS : The MD5 hash of your password.Ā You may be able to 'echo -n YOURPASSWORD | md5sum' to produce the MD5 hash of your password. USERIDĀ : The UserID shown on the main page of tunnelbroker.net when you log in.Ā Previously referred to as user_id. TUNNELID: The ID of the tunnel you're updating the endpoint on.Ā This can be found on the tunnel information page.Ā Previously referred to as the Global Tunnel ID / tunnel_id. The following parameters are only usable when accessing this script over https. USERNAME: Your tunnelbroker.net username. PASSWORD: Your tunnelbroker.net password. The legacy parameter names will continue to work for the forseable future.Ā Naming of them changed to be more in line with industry convention and their roles.
Ah, thanks jimp! I was using the userid from the other method instead of my username. Works now.