How Multi-WAN failover work ?
Because I have to do the same thing under openBSD (I can't use pfsense for this project), I want to know how multi-wan failover is made on pfsense.
Did somebody can give me the solution or a clue ?regards
ps : sorry for my english, I'm french !
There are many tutorials on the doc wiki and forum for that. Some searching should have turned up several good results.
Here is the main guide for 2.0: -
Jimp, I don't think you take the time to read my post !
I do lot of searchs on the wiki and the forum and already know how to do this with pfsense, and I use it for some projects.
My question is about how Multi-WAN failover is done by pfsense on the underlying FreeBSD to be able to do the same thing on OpenBSD.
It's the reason why I have but my question on the development board, I want to know how they have coded that. I don't think that the usual pfsense user know how this is made !
You move my topic in a board where nobody could answer it. :-[ -
It uses a userland daemon that monitors the links and then regenerates the rules configured on events.
Though it will take time for you to regenerate that :) i can say for sure.
pfSense also is an integrated system from which you cannot, easily, extract this kind of bits. -
thank's a lot for this constructive reply.
I already search for a simple way to do this and don't find it. I hoped that you find a easy trick to do the job but you made it the hard (and the bettest) way !
It seem that it is effectively too hard and too long to port and I will have to use a simplest and less elegant way to do it.