Watchdog Timer
I am running pfsense on a Fit-PC2i. I have enabled the watchdog settings in the bios, how do I enable it on the pfsense side of things? The Fit-PC website has the following instructions for Linux, but how do I achieve the same on this FreeBSD based system?
sudo modprobe sbc_fitpc2_wdt margin=60 sudo touch /dev/watchdog # now watchdog is enabled. fitPC2 will be rebooted after 60 sec. sudo echo V > /dev/watchdog # now watchdog is disabled. fitPC2 will not be rebooted.
Do you know how the watchdog is implemented on that device?
It is usually either on the ICH/southbridge chip or the superIO chip.
See this thread:,34056.0.html
How can I determine which type it is?
Look through the documentation? Ask fitPC? :-\
It's probably the ICH so try loading the ichwd.ko module as described in the linked thread and see what happens. It will probably detect a watchdog and load even if the BIOS switch does not correspond to it. You'll just have to turn it on and see. ;)
Neither of those two watchdog methods worked. I have reached out to Fit-PC to see if they can offer any assistance on a proper driver to interact with their bios watchdog. We'll see if they have a response.
What happened? What did you try?
I'd be surprised if FitPC had implemented some other watchdog, why would they when there is already one built into the chipset?Steve