I'm using squid to improve web performance and for logging.. I have setup a couple of list within pfBlocker to block inbound(WAN) and outbound(LAN) Since squid uses localhost, i figured it would need to be a floating rule for it to catch. After reading a few post, but hunch was right..
Can you please explain. Does this mean if one is using Squid and pfBlocker. A floating rule for Squid is need in order for Squid to use the lists used in pfBlocker?
Can you please explain. Does this mean if one is using Squid and pfBlocker. A floating rule for Squid is need in order for Squid to use the lists used in pfBlocker?
Yes, read this topic.,44479.0.html
Yes, read this topic.,44479.0.html
Thanks, just read it but do not fully understand. Maybe once I add the floating rule(s), I will.
pfSense is a statefull firewall, so all rules are applied where connections begin.
Squid does not use LAN or WAN rules but localhost rules as it starts communications to web servers locally.
The only way to apply rules on localhost, is using floating rules.
This way squid wil not be able to connect to any China web site if firewall is blocking access to China's ips.
Thanks for that explanation, I understand it better :) But I'm still not sure how the floating rule(s) show be properly created.
Like this?:
Action: Reject
Interface: WAN
Direction: any
Protocol: any
Source: any
Destination: pfBlockerAliasname
Description: pfBlockerAliasname-SquidSorry if these are obvious questions.
Change interface to any and direction to out.
Ok, Thanks a lot for your help! :)
I'm new to this list…. But great work on pfSense and all packages.
On my french install system pfBlocker never and any rules to firewall any tips? to track this down?
pfSense 2.0.1 and pfBlock 1.0.1Thanks.
You need at least one firewall rule on interface you want to configure pfBlocker.
Thanks for your reply… I did have the default rules...... Isn't enough ?
"- RFC 1918 networks * * * * * Block private networks
- Reserved/not assigned by IANA * * * * * * Block bogon networks
Default rules are not saved on interface rules config XML.
Create a rule and then apply pfBlocker config.
Thanks again for your reply,
Could we be more specific? I need to add a rule in Firewall -> Rules then Lan or Wan ?
Such a dummy rules?
Thanks again.
Lan has a default rule, you will see pfBlocker rules there if you apply deny outbound action on your lists.
If you have no wan rules, you do not need deny inbound action on pfblocker lists as you are already blocking everything.
ok may be I don't explain well enough… But pfblocker never add any rules in any tabs (lan, wan, floating) of the firewall.
So even If I had one in floating ... then select turn on pfblocker and add top country spammers... always a red down arrow :( and no rules anywear.So I think I'm missing something here :(
I even added a rules to myself in the Lan... Still Red arrow.
Again thanks.
OK fixed…
I had to add by adding a floating rules to myself.... then all top spammers list.... Then active the pfblocker package.
then it works .... Thanks again for your great support and SUPER COOL package.
I'm wondering if you know how to make pfBlocker XMLRPC with Denyhost site ?
What is list format that pfBlocker could handle ? Like : P2P, DAT or CIDR ? in .gz, zip or txt ?
Thanks one more for your support.
address list could be in
cidr (recommended)
one per line
The web site that host this list could send list in txt(plain) format or compressed with gz
Thanks :)
Any info about : pfBlocker XMLRPC ?
Thanks :)
Any info about : pfBlocker XMLRPC ?
No integration with for now.