Dansguardian package for 2.0
looking good!
How does the users page work? i see the example you gave but not sure how to set it up for IP.. I enabled IP Address auth, then manually edit /usr/local/etc/dansguardian/lists/authplugins/ipgroups. That worked for me but would like to be able to use the GUI….
Also going to try it with freeradius2 with squid but going to see if I could use it based on IP/Subnets instead of usernames...
I've not used auth by ip yet.
The first step to users tab is to create a second group
for example:
set groupname to fullaccess
set Filter Group Mode to unfilteredsave config
goto users tab and add a ip to this user list and test.
I'll need to push a patch to fill up /usr/local/etc/dansguardian/lists/authplugins/ipgroups when ipauth is selected.
Thanks again cino for the info.
in-case someone is looking, i found a ipv6 patch for dansguardian.. dont know if it'll work but wanted to share
Do you have a freebsd8.1 vm with ports to test this patch?
i do not… i think i have still have pc-bsd 8.1 vm on my home server...which i've used to get some drivers for the lcdproc package.. let me see if i can install a plain-jane freebsd 8.1 on it and see what i can do... been a while messing with patches and re-compiling ports... i'll search the forum as i think there were some basic how-to's...
I can help you
After freebsd install,
portsnap fetch
portsnap extract
Dansguardian port is in /usr/ports/www/dansguardian-devel
thanks again! just so i'm on the same page, what were the options you selected when you ran the make command? i see there are a few options then more options depending of the depen its going to install.
thanks again! just so i'm on the same page, what were the options you selected when you ran the make command? i see there are a few options then more options depending of the depen its going to install.
That's my make config screen.
looks like the patch is for danguardian :-( Going to try it out tho and see if it works.
I dont know if my steps are correct, but after running the commands you provided. I downloaded dansguardian src to /usr/ports/distfiles then ran cmd make. After that command finished, I change to the src dir and ran the patch command. make configure, and now i'm in the process of running make install. I'm thinking i should had untar the src in the /usr/ports/distfiles then ran the make command. Does it matter?
Once make install is down. How to do I turn it into a package?
btw, i've attached the missing blockedflash.swf file… not needed but the error in the log goes away. should be placed here /usr/local/share/dansguardian
thanks again for all your help
looks like the patch is for danguardian :-( Going to try it out tho and see if it works.
I dont know if my steps are correct, but after running the commands you provided. I downloaded dansguardian src to /usr/ports/distfiles then ran cmd make. After that command finished, I change to the src dir and ran the patch command. make configure, and now i'm in the process of running make install. I'm thinking i should had untar the src in the /usr/ports/distfiles then ran the make command. Does it matter?
source is extracted to /usr/ports/www/dansguardian-devel/work/dansguardian-
try to apply the patch there.Once make install is down. How to do I turn it into a package?
instead of make install, do a make package. the dansguardian.tbz will be created on current dir.
btw, i've attached the missing blockedflash.swf file… not needed but the error in the log goes away. should be placed here /usr/local/share/dansguardian
Thanks, included in package install
thanks again… Looks like the patch doesn't work.. Its for so I worked with that version just to see if it works but system is having problems binding to the IP.. I'll wait for it to be officially supported by dansguardian. You would think it would be supported by now. I know of a lot of companies including the one I work for that uses it.
I removed it from my box and went back to It was a good learning experience tho :-)
Feb 3 13:58:12 dansguardian[51970]: Error binding server socket (is something else running on the filter port and ip? Feb 3 13:58:12 dansguardian[51970]: Error binding socket: [135264876 :: 0] (Bad file descriptor) Feb 3 13:57:37 dansguardian[33681]: Exiting with error Feb 3 13:57:37 dansguardian[33681]: Error binding server socket (is something else running on the filter port and ip? Feb 3 13:57:37 dansguardian[33681]: Error binding socket: [135264876 :: 0] (Bad file descriptor) Feb 3 13:57:22 dansguardian[59298]: Exiting with error Feb 3 13:57:22 dansguardian[59298]: Error binding server socket (is something else running on the filter port and ip? Feb 3 13:57:22 dansguardian[59298]: Error binding socket: [135264876 0] (Bad file descriptor) Feb 3 13:56:59 dansguardian[9179]: Exiting with error Feb 3 13:56:59 dansguardian[9179]: Error binding server socket (is something else running on the filter port and ip? Feb 3 13:56:59 dansguardian[9179]: Error binding socket: [135264876 0] (Bad file descriptor)
Just pushed 0.1.4 version with
Include missing blockedflash.swf (thanks cino)
Include ip based list tab
IP tab works good! Was able to put the whole subnet in the default and add some within the range to the filtered group.
Have you ever seen this error yet when restarting the service after a reinstall
dansguardian[23364]: Error binding ipc server file (try using the SysV to stop DansGuardian then try starting it again or doing an 'rm /tmp/.dguardianipc').
squid account doesn't have permission to the /tmp dir i'm thinking… or it does but the /tmp gets deleted on every reboot i believe. i change the permission for a quick fix but also a reboot seems to solve it but it does come back here and there.
Have you ever seen this error yet when restarting the service after a reinstall
dansguardian[23364]: Error binding ipc server file (try using the SysV to stop DansGuardian then try starting it again or doing an 'rm /tmp/.dguardianipc').
squid account doesn't have permission to the /tmp dir i'm thinking… or it does but the /tmp gets deleted on every reboot i believe. i change the permission for a quick fix but also a reboot seems to solve it but it does come back here and there.
This is related to dansguardian process user.
As clamav socket and dansguardian must be run by the same user, I read clam user from conf and assign it to dansguardian. This user translation generates ipc file error.
Maybe a better uninstall script solve this.Is it happening just on reinstalls or every time?
just when I re-installs for far
I've pushed a fix on interface select description reported by mschiek01.
In the dansguardan.conf file, you can configure where the log file is stored. Would it be possible to add a field within the log menu to allow us to change the location? I'm also going to see if lightsquid and squidguard can have the same options add to the their packages.. This would allow users to use lightsquid for logging web access
I'm working on sarg to get these logs.
It has time reports better then lightsquid. -
you are the MAN!!! Sarg time reports are a lot better IMHO!!! I've attach a script i've used in the past, found it on the net so you may have seen it already… Only problem I had it with(why i dont use it) it doesnt like when I would rotate the logs for some reason. I didn't spend alot of time on it since we there was lightsquid already.
Not to ask for too much, but would this be a package or built-in to dansguardian? Be nice to have it as a package and be able to use dansguardian and/or squid log file for reporting. Now i'm asking for too much,have it create separate reports for each system if possible. There have been many users that have brought up sarg, but no one ever finished it for pfsense.
I've attach a script i've used in the past, found it on the net so you may have seen it already… Only problem I had it with(why i dont use it) it doesnt like when I would rotate the logs for some reason. I didn't spend alot of time on it since we there was lightsquid already.
Thank's. reading docs and tutorias is the first step to understand what gui needs for a good setup.
Not to ask for too much, but would this be a package or built-in to dansguardian? Be nice to have it as a package and be able to use dansguardian and/or squid log file for reporting.
Package. I`ll try to detect logs and but that option on gui.
Now i'm asking for too much,have it create separate reports for each system if possible.
Maybe on second release :)
There have been many users that have brought up sarg, but no one ever finished it for pfsense.
If you want to do some tests before gui, here are the packages: