About loadbalance
i config pfsense to use loadbalance 2wan wan1 1Mb and wan2 1Mb. and following to http://doc.pfsense.org/contrib/PFSENSE-LoadBalance-FailOver-V3.pdf
i mistake about pdf?question
1. total link is to 2Mb or 1Mb
2. to test unplug wan1. i can't ping outgoing anywhere
3. what concept is loadbalance?plz helpme.
this wan1 traffic
This tutorial is completely out of date. The link from the tutorials section already was removed. You first should try one of the latest snapshots from http://snapshots.pfsense.com/FreeBSD6/RELENG_1/ . The Poolcreation GUI was simplified a lot and you usually don'T need to touch advanced outbound NAT anymore. I recommend starting over with a fresh install with this snapshot.
i should to change firmware by pfSense-Full-Update-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT-01-11-2007.tgz right
and finally i can use loadbalance+traffic shaper?
thx good guy -
Trafficshaping is currently only supported between 2 interfaces at least when using the wizard. Everything else (creating your own trafficshaping from scratch) is highly experimental and you really have to know what you are doing to make it work.