Static IP from ISPs block - no gateway cannot be selected!
One of our ISPs has given us a block of static IPs. We already use one of their statics as gateway (the main WAN of PFSense goes to their router and the interface is configured as static using one of the block IPs as gateway.
We now needed to use another IP of the block.
We created a VLAN in our switch and configured a VLAN with the same ID in PF (we already use VLANs in PF, so there is no issue there). We created another interface in the VLAN I/f of PFSense and set the second WAN IP there.
But there is no option to set a gateway! (the menu is set to none and there is no gateway that we can choose).
We cannot use IP aliases or virtual IPs, as the ISP is not passing the whole block to the router, instead we can plug a cable in either LAN port of his router and plug this cable wherever we need this IP.
Best regards
They should route you the second block to an IP within your first block, that's the only clean way to use it on an internal interface. The other alternative is you must use bridging which is less than ideal.
Thank you.
I asked for that, they claim that they cannot do it.
So I asked to put the whole block to one port of their router, in order to use Virtual IPs in pfsense.
Best regards
Finally, they manage to route the whole block of IPs to one interface of their equipment (the one connected to pfsense), so I created IP Aliases for routing services to other IPs.
Best regards