LCDProc 0.5.4-dev
Yes I think you have definitely solved the LCDd 100% problem. 48hours+ for me on two boxes running sdeclcd driver, 1second refresh, and screens: time, uptime and load.
Looking good. :)However I think the other problem is still present.
At boot or restarting packages when an IP change is detected the lcdproc package ends up being started and stopped multiple times. Before this could result in multiple clients running. I think this has been solved thanks to your kill loop. However today I switched on my resurected X-Core box and at the end of boot the LCDd daemon is running twice but with no client! :-\[2.0.1-RELEASE][root@x-core.localdomain]/root(2): ps aux | grep lcd root 17691 0.0 0.6 3656 1356 ?? IN 4:21PM 0:00.01 /bin/sh /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start [2.0.1-RELEASE][root@x-core.localdomain]/root(3): ps aux | grep LCD root 24707 0.0 0.5 3352 1148 ?? IN 4:21PM 0:00.01 /usr/local/sbin/LCDd -c /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf nobody 24902 0.0 0.6 3368 1408 ?? SNs 4:21PM 0:00.21 /usr/local/sbin/LCDd -c /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf
Here is the relavent section of the boot log:
Feb 12 16:22:33 apinger: Error while feeding rrdtool: Broken pipe Feb 12 16:21:52 LCDd: Listening for queries on Feb 12 16:21:52 LCDd: Using Configuration File: /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf Feb 12 16:21:52 LCDd: LCDd version 0.5.5 starting Feb 12 16:21:49 LCDd: Server shutting down on SIGTERM Feb 12 16:21:49 LCDd: Listening for queries on Feb 12 16:21:49 LCDd: Using Configuration File: /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf Feb 12 16:21:49 LCDd: LCDd version 0.5.5 starting Feb 12 16:21:47 php: lcdproc: Sync: End package sync Feb 12 16:21:47 php: lcdproc: Sync: Begin package sync Feb 12 16:21:47 LCDd: Server shutting down on SIGTERM Feb 12 16:21:47 php: lcdproc: Sync: End package sync Feb 12 16:21:45 LCDd: sock_send: socket write error Feb 12 16:21:45 LCDd: sock_send: socket write error Feb 12 16:21:45 LCDd: sock_send: socket write error Feb 12 16:21:45 LCDd: Client on socket 11 disconnected Feb 12 16:21:45 php: lcdproc: Sync: Restarting the service Feb 12 16:21:45 php: lcdproc: Sync: Begin package sync Feb 12 16:21:45 php: : Restarting/Starting all packages. Feb 12 16:21:42 check_reload_status: Reloading filter Feb 12 16:21:42 LCDd: Connect from host on socket 11 Feb 12 16:21:42 sshlockout[51329]: sshlockout/webConfigurator v3.0 starting up Feb 12 16:21:42 login: login on console as root Feb 12 16:21:41 php: lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0) Feb 12 16:21:40 php: : IPSEC: One or more IPsec tunnel endpoints has changed its IP. Refreshing. Feb 12 16:21:40 LCDd: Listening for queries on Feb 12 16:21:40 LCDd: Using Configuration File: /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf Feb 12 16:21:40 LCDd: LCDd version 0.5.5 starting Feb 12 16:21:39 check_reload_status: Starting packages Feb 12 16:21:39 php: : pfSense package system has detected an ip change -> ... Restarting packages. Feb 12 16:21:39 php: : OpenNTPD is starting up. Feb 12 16:21:39 dnsmasq[44759]: ignoring nameserver - local interface Feb 12 16:21:39 dnsmasq[44759]: ignoring nameserver - local interface Feb 12 16:21:39 dnsmasq[44759]: using nameserver Feb 12 16:21:39 dnsmasq[44759]: reading /etc/resolv.conf Feb 12 16:21:39 php: : The command '/usr/bin/killall 'ntpd'' returned exit code '1', the output was 'killall: warning: kill -TERM 51784: No such process' Feb 12 16:21:38 php: : Creating rrd update script Feb 12 16:21:38 php: : Resyncing OpenVPN instances for interface WAN. Feb 12 16:21:38 php: lcdproc: Sync: End package sync Feb 12 16:21:38 php: lcdproc: Sync: Begin package sync Feb 12 16:21:38 php: lcdproc: Sync: End package sync Feb 12 16:21:38 php: lcdproc: Sync: Begin package sync Feb 12 16:21:38 php: : Restarting/Starting all packages.
It ends up starting and stopping 3 times.
Restarting the service again manually brings it back to normal.
I'm not quite to 48 hours yet, 44 so far! :) and I agree, I think we might have it mostly beat.
Steve - I don't have the multiple process running on my x700 and everything seems fine on mine. Perhaps you have some leftover cruft like I did?
Reinstalled the latest dev package on my Firebox X Core.
LCDProc will not start I guess, the LCD just sits with "Thanks for using pfSense," and its random whether Services reports LCDProc as still running or stopped. Sometimes the server screen stays on and it says "Clients: 0 Server: 0"
Any idea what's my problem?
Feb 12 22:36:23 LCDd: LCDd version 0.5.5 starting Feb 12 22:36:23 LCDd: Using Configuration File: /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf Feb 12 22:36:23 LCDd: Listening for queries on Feb 12 22:36:23 php: lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0) Feb 12 22:36:24 php: lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0) Feb 12 22:36:24 LCDd: Server shutting down on SIGTERM Feb 12 22:36:26 php: lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0) Feb 12 22:36:28 php: lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0) Feb 12 22:36:30 php: lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0) Feb 12 22:36:32 php: lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0) Feb 12 22:36:34 php: lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0) Feb 12 22:36:36 php: lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0) Feb 12 22:36:38 php: lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0) Feb 12 22:36:40 php: lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0) Feb 12 22:36:42 php: lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0) Feb 12 22:36:44 php: lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0) Feb 12 22:36:46 php: lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0)
Brak, is that just after boot?
I think it's likely that the various delays in the script are causing a problem when the package is started and stopped in quick succession. This is especially true now that the kill loop will stop all running copies of either the client or the server.
In my case simply restarting the package from gui was enough to sort everything out. Given only one stop and start with no time limit it works fine.Possibilities for some experimenting are:
The start script first kills the client and server then starts it. When sent a restart it effectively does stop-stop-start. Might be better to only have one stop routine?
Reduce or remove the delays in the script.Steve
yes, there's a problem when the package is resynced in quick succession. Now I am ill at home, and I will be home recovering for the next few days, after that I will investigate and fix the problem (Steve, your suggestions are a very good starting point).For the moment the package should be started manually when this occurs.
Michele -
Brak, is that just after boot?
Actually, it's both. Even using the Services GUI to start or restart the service will lead to this failure. :(
Hmm, well that's interesting.
If you run:
ps aux|grep lcd
ps aux|grep LCD
What do you see running when that happens?My own X-Core box ends up with two LCDd servers running and no client after boot. Different from your box.
Are you running lots of screens?Steve
I've doing some testing and it looks to me as if we have two factors causing this:
1. The 'stop' script has two 2 second sleep commands in it. It cannot possibly run in less than 4 seconds yet during boot up the service is started (stop-start) three times in that period.
The sleep call seems to me to have been included simply to allow the kill command time to operate. The do-while kill loop now in place would seem to eliminate that need however commenting out the sleep calls does not solve the problem, though it does alter the outcome.2. The rc script gets stuck in the 'kill loop' causing all manner of trouble!
You can see this as the rc 'start' scipt is still running after boot which should never happen. It is stuck trying to kill one of the other process and failing for some reason. If you kill, LCDd for example, the script is then able to continue and spawns more servers and clients before finishing.I have found that at least one instance of LCDd runs as root when it should drop to nobody. Does the rc script run as root? Is that why it cannot kill it?
More testing to be done…..
Although what I wrote above is true if you get an 'un-killable' process the main reason the remains running is that it is held open by the php call.
You need to background the process (&) like so:$start .= "\t/usr/bin/nice -20 /usr/local/bin/php -f /usr/local/pkg/lcdproc_client.php &\n";
There may have been other factor(s) here [cable modem locked up and wouldn't pass traffic], but at 96 hrs uptime, my display quit again and I couldn't log in again. I've rebooted and will monitor and report.
I think this is just a coincidence but want to report anything that might be an issue.This time on reboot I have 2 LCDd processes running but can't 'see' unless I make my puTTy window wide enough to display the output????
[2.1-DEVELOPMENT][root@pfsense.]/root(6): ps aux | grep lcd
Stretched screen width and repeated command:
[2.1-DEVELOPMENT][root@pfsense.]/root(7): ps aux | grep lcd root 41210 0.0 0.6 3656 1420 ?? IN 12:59PM 0:00.01 /bin/sh /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start [2.1-DEVELOPMENT][root@pfsense.]/root(8): ps aux | grep LCD root 51129 0.0 0.5 3352 1164 ?? IN 12:59PM 0:00.01 /usr/local/sbin/LCDd -c /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf nobody 51245 0.0 0.6 3368 1424 ?? SNs 12:59PM 0:09.83 /usr/local/sbin/LCDd -c /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf [2.1-DEVELOPMENT][root@pfsense.]/root(9):
Not that this is a big deal but weird. Does it happen to anyone else?
Yep same here, I have to maximise the window see it. Also is won't show up at all on the serial console which has a much smaller resolution.
Weird. :-\I've been playing around with all sorts of things, different delays, different kill commands. I've not once had it boot cleanly. It either boots to two copies of LCDd, one of which is running as root, or kills LCDd completely.
Hi Guys
Is it possible to ad this Lcd to[showUid]=421433&cHash=949c8a38a8,m trying this for some time but with no success, see other posts from me
thx max
Hi Max (easyhugo),
it's impossible to know for me which driver this LCD panel uses… do you know the chipset? Can it use one of the drivers already made or you need another driver?Ciao,
sorry but no driver work with this display, it does not work without these lcm server.My German is very bad! :-[ (Only beaten by my non-existant Italian! ::))
However, according to [url=]this post by IPCop ledgend Wintermute the display in the FW8888 is an LCM-162.
This doesn't appear to be supported directly by LCDproc but this blog post seems to show it is possible. That's quite old now so support maybe better integrated.
What drivers/versions have you tried?
Edit: This post confirms this.
and yes wintermute is an excellent ipcop programmer, but ipcop is not an freebsd os so i cant copy the files .
i have tried to copy the lcm to the pfsense and change the config files but with no success.
my test with these lcm if i tried the dev version was not born :D so at now i will connect the guys from allnet how this lcm will work
the answer i would then postthx
from the lcm pckage:Make commands:
Static binary:
gcc –static -o lcm_server lcm_server.cDynamic linked binary:
gcc -o lcm_server lcm_server.cExecution command:
lcm_server /dev/ttyS1 "Banner"Command FIFO:
/var/run/lcm_cmdAvailable commands:
Clear -- Clear the LCM display
Home -- Set the cursor back to row 0, column 0
Display {on/off/nocur} -- Turn display on, off and on without cursor
BKLight {on/off} -- Turn LCM backlight on and off
Setpos {0~1} {0~15} -- Set the cursor position to row and column
Write {text} -- Write the text to LCM start from
current cursor position
echo "Display oncur" > /var/run/lcm_cmd
echo "Setpos 0 0" > /var/run/lcm_cmd
echo "Write test message" > /var/run/lcm_cmdKey FIFO:
/var/run/lcm_keyAvailable keys: UP, DOWN, RET, ESC
cat /var/run/lcm_keyNote: There is no key de-bounce mechanism on LCM.
Multiple key response may happen while receiving keys. -
as for the problems restarting the package, deleting the "two seconds delay" in the script while killing the package binaries seems to solve the problem.I will post a new version of the package soon.
Michele -
Hi Michele, I hope you're feeling better. :)
Removing the delay(s) completely didn't work for me on my X-Core box. In fact I tried many combinations of delays in different places an failed to get a clean boot.
Hi Michele, I hope you're feeling better. :)
Removing the delay(s) completely didn't work for me on my X-Core box. In fact I tried many combinations of delays in different places an failed to get a clean boot.
Hi Steve,
mmhhh… I just had a clean reboot, after that the panel was working and:[2.0.1-RELEASE][]/root(18): ps -ax | grep lcd 39543 ?? SN 0:00.91 /usr/local/bin/php -f /usr/local/pkg/lcdproc_client.p 27085 v0- I 0:00.00 /bin/sh /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start 13349 0 R+ 0:00.00 grep lcd
[2.0.1-RELEASE][]/root(23): ps -ax | grep LCD 37346 ?? SNs 0:00.31 /usr/local/sbin/LCDd -c /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf 7034 0 S+ 0:00.00 grep LCD
I can't find anything wrong. Also restarting the service quickly, or changing the service properties while the service is running, brings me to the above state, which is consistent.
I will investigate more, but until now the only change I did is to remove the "sleep" lines in the "" file and saving the configuration (line 506 and "a bit below").
Where did you remove "sleep" lines from?
Michele -
Although what I wrote above is true if you get an 'un-killable' process the main reason the remains running is that it is held open by the php call.
You need to background the process (&) like so:$start .= "\t/usr/bin/nice -20 /usr/local/bin/php -f /usr/local/pkg/lcdproc_client.php &\n";
Hi Steve,
I added the & at the end of the command, and yes the is not visible anymore with ps -ax (sorry, I come from Windows and I don't know this tricks).Btw, I made different "restarts" of the service and a reboot, everything was running and there was only 1 client and 1 server running.
I don't know what is going wrong on your boxes…
Michele -
Where did you remove "sleep" lines from?
From as you did. I also added a "&" to the call to lcdproc_client.php as I details a few posts back.
I'll try taking that out again.Edit: You type faster than me!
I am relatively new to FreeBSD also. I only knew to do that because that's how it was called in the old Firebox tarball.
I am starting to think that a lot of this might be down to the speed of the box. The X-Core is a relatively old machine. I'll have to try it on the X-e box for comparison. Alternatively you are using a different driver, perhaps the service is able to stop and start faster?
During the boot process the the package config pages are synced. Because the lcdproc package has two pages both are synced however the lcdproc_screens.xml simply calls the lcdproc.xml sync function. This results in the sync function running twice hence the service is restarted twice. Then slight later in the boot process the WAN interface comes up and receives an IP address, this results in a call to restart all packages again.
I'll run some more tests.
the results were blank. I dont have anything set, left it for the system to decide. The dashboard says 299000.. I'll set a value and see what happens. Its been awhile since I looked at the lcdproc code, but I'm thinking there was default 10000 if nothing is set via the gui now that i think about it a little more
This is done, you'll find it in the next release of the package!
Michele -
Where did you remove "sleep" lines from?
From as you did. I also added a "&" to the call to lcdproc_client.php as I details a few posts back.
I'll try taking that out again.Edit: You type faster than me!
I am relatively new to FreeBSD also. I only knew to do that because that's how it was called in the old Firebox tarball.
I am starting to think that a lot of this might be down to the speed of the box. The X-Core is a relatively old machine. I'll have to try it on the X-e box for comparison. Alternatively you are using a different driver, perhaps the service is able to stop and start faster?
During the boot process the the package config pages are synced. Because the lcdproc package has two pages both are synced however the lcdproc_screens.xml simply calls the lcdproc.xml sync function. This results in the sync function running twice hence the service is restarted twice. Then slight later in the boot process the WAN interface comes up and receives an IP address, this results in a call to restart all packages again.
I'll run some more tests.
Hi Steve,
so good, you removed the delays exactly where I was removing them from, so nothing to say about that.If is true, the package is synced twice during the reboot, I don't know how to avoid that (without forcing a manual service restart every time someone changes a setting in the "screens" page), but I confirm you after some reboot, that on my hardware this do not give any problem (X3460 Xeon, SSD HD, Intel dual port NICs, 4GB ram, Sureelect USB panel 20x4, but ok, I understand that like this is easy, I know)…
As for my situation, I achived a total stable situation. I will release the latest changes asap...
Michele -
The changelog is the following:
- The Client now runs in background (added a trailing & at the end of the command that runs the client);
- Removed the delays in the script during the service stop;
- Fixed the "default max states" information when it is not defined explicitally in the advanced configuration.
Should be the most stable LCDProc ever released… hope will fix (or at least minimize) the issues on all the boxes...