1 wan 1 lan multiple opt interfaces same subnet
Hey all!
I've been working on this for a while now and decided it was time to hit the experts. I have 1 wan connection and 1 lan connection and 3 opt connections.
I have DHCP coming from a different server. I have also tried with the pfsense box handing out DHCP information.
I want all the interfaces, (except wan of course) on the same subnet. I simply can't get them to communicate with one another.
Do I need to assign each opt interface with a seperate static ip from the same subnet?
Do the opt interfaces need address's at all?
Would it be easier to bridge the interfaces?
thank you for your time in advance!
Regular switch is better than bridging because of pfsense has to scan all the trafic which comes from interface and leaves another interface.
Why you need such a topology
Mostly because I don't want to have to remember a bunch of different subnets.
Each opt interface and or lan are going to a different device or group of devices, thereby having pfsense handle all routing.
But if anything is in same lan you don't need router device, because trafic never gets there(unless you want to goto internet)
Pros in same lan
- Router isn't limiting the speed(bottle neck effect)
Cons in same lan
- You can't filter the trafic inside the lan(unless you have managed switches)
I have been looking to an answer to this question myself. Is it possible to have OPT interfaces act as a switch? With the point being everything is pulling from the same dhcp and will be within the same subnet.
Your typical store bought router has a 4 port switch built in, is there a way to replicate this with Pfsense? I realize that we are talking about a router, just curious as if it is possible. If I can get away with just my pfsense device, I would prefer that rather than having a pfsense box and a seperate 5 port switch.
You can do this in pfSense. You will setup a bridge with LAN, and all opt interfaces. Then you will create a rule in each opt and LAN to allow any source and port to any destination and port. You will have some slow down for processing but it will work.
Are you just doing this for fun? Why add a bunch of interfaces just to put them on the same subnet?
Reason to do this is to not need to rely on a switch, which would be an extra piece of hardware. My example is a small branch office. I have 2 computers and a printer. On a linksys/netgear, I would have a 4 port switch built into the router. Basically I want a single piece of hardware able to handle routing and "switching" for 2 computers and a printer.
I could also say I have a wireless adapter that I want on the same subnet as well. I need it on the same subnet so a laptop can wirelessly access shares on 1 computer and the printer.