Quick Question IPSEC Additional Network adding
Quick question really, im sure its really easy. But how do i go about adding other networks to the VPN tunnel? This is what i want to be able to do…
I have 3 Sites... 2 of the sites already has a VPN. I want to able to establish one more VPN to one of those sites and be able to see both networks. So kind of like a VPN Hop. I dont want to establish another VPN just so i can talk to both sites.. Make sense?
I think i got my answer. I have to add addional phase 2 in the firewall… Maybe a quick suggestion on a improvement. I know Watchguard have it. When you create a phase 2 there is room to add as many networks as you want to route into the tunnel. However in Pfsense there is only 1 network option... Who agrees??
On pfSense 2.0 and newer, you can add as many phase 2 entries as you want, to run as many subnets as you want on a single tunnel.
I wonder if is possible to at a second network to an ipsec vpn tunnel with pfsense 1.2.3?
Christian -
Please don't hijack existing threads.
http://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/IPsec_with_Multiple_Subnets -
Thanks anyway!