MosChip USB Ethernet MCS7830 PfSense 2.0.1 (Kinda Solved)
Hey everyone…
im using Linux Distros since 1998 but I'm a really unexperienced with FreeBSD and PfSense.
Is there any change to make that usb ethernet work on PfSense. I found a driver for MCS7830 but i cant even compile it under FreeBSD 8.2. I think driver is not for FreeBSD 8.x.This is the Driver... I hope :) -
That driver is really old and isn't needed because there is a driver included as part of FreeBSD: the mos(4) driver wasn't included until FreeBSD 8.2 which means it isn't in pfSense 2.0.x which is based on FreeBSD 8.1. Backporting the driver is likely to be complex.
You can try on the pfSense 2.1 snapshots from here:
These are based on FreebSD 8.3. You should be aware that although it's fairly close to a beta release it's still in development.Steve
Thanks for quick answer Steve…
I found this then compile it in a Fresh Installed FreeBSD 8.1. Then I use that module on PfSense 2.0.1 its looks working for now. They cant figure it out what is my network speed, so I set them 100mbps full duplex. I have cheap Gigabit Switch sometimes NICs cant figure it out what speed they have to use.
I put modified driver source code here
And compiled module is here can put if_mos.ko to under /boot/modules and install it with kldload /boot/modules command, then moschipped stupid usb-ethernets start working...
But I'm still newbie for FreeBSD how can make that module load everytime when firewall boot up I'm still searching that :)
I think that is enough for today...Emre.
Put the following in /boot/loader.conf.local (create the file if it doesn't exist)
Actually it looks like someone has done this before you:
Thats great :) Thank you…