SquidGuard - squidguard_log.php - does not show all line (offset problem !?)
I have some problems with the number of lines in the "Blocked" section of squidguard.
I increased the time of the logrotation from "every day" up to "every sunday" in the squidguard_configurator.inc. There a cron job will created.
After that I changes the little part which creates the batch file which will run the logrotate. I changed the number of lines from 1000 up to 20000.I checked this log file:
And it has more than 1700 lines.
If I go to SERVICES -> PROXY FILTER -> LOG -> Blocked
I can just see the lines 0-49, 50-99, 100-149 - not more.I chnged the offset from 50 up to 500 in
Now I can just see the lines 0-499 - not more.
Can anybody help me with that ? I just really want to see all the lines from the last week.
Thank you for your help in advance!
Just a guess but it might be this in squidguard.inc (around line 1267)
define('LOGSHOW_BUFSIZE', '65536');
It only reads that many bytes of the log file, if I'm reading the code right.
I'm not sure what is required viewing of all the log. This requires more system resources for large logs.
Increasing the buffersize helped to 2097152 bytes (2MB) helped. I can now watch ~1500 entries.
Limiting the size is very important and a good thing. But I do have so many entries in the "blocked" file that I am not able to watch back more than one day. That's the reason why I would like to increase the buffer a little bit. Perhaps you can find a way to implement an option to modify the buffer size and the lines in the logfile when doing a logrotate.Thanks both of you for your help!