Pfsense 2.0.1 - Dynamic DNS - how to update multiple Dyndns hosts?
Currently, I have (6) static IPs from my ISP. They're assigned as follows:
1-pfsense router
2-FTP server
3-workstation A
4-workstation B
5-workstation C
6-workstation DI've enabled the Dynamic DNS service in pfsense 2.0.1 to assign addresses as follows:
1-pfsense router -
How do I also assign, in pfsense, the following
2-FTP server -
3-Workstation A - host3.dyndns.organd so on. The public, WAN IP of each of these machines has been entered into NAT 1:1 and are accessible via the internet.
Am trying to avoid having to install the Dyndns Client Update app on each PC if it can be avoided.
Thanks in advance.
If they are static IP addresses, why do they need to be set using a dyn dns agent? Just go to your dyn dns service and set them. Since they are static they should never change.