Minor issue in Status -> OpenVPN page
Might check again on the next snapshot after the one you're on. I'm synced to the latest code and it's not doing that for me. I was doing quite a lot of work on that shortcut bar this weekend and it's possible that certain snapshots didn't have a complete set of the code.
Just upgraded to 2.1-BETA0 built on Sun Aug 12 15:48:03 EDT 2012 and the issue remains (I also checked the html source just in case)
Could swear I replied to this but perhaps it was just as something was moved in the DC…
What is the exact URL you're on when this happens? And do you have a screenshot or something similar showing how it's linking to the wrong place?
I still can't reproduce it, and the code definitely isn't pointing the openvpn status page to dnsmasq...
Me too:
2.1-BETA0 (i386)
built on Sun Aug 12 15:48:49 EDT 2012
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p4I started on a test system without any OpenVPN defined. At or status_openvpn.php I hover over the:
Green arrow button - "dnsmasq Service is Running"
Restart button - "Restart dnsmasq Service"
Stop button - "Stop dnsmasq Service"Then added an OpenVPN shared-key Server, the results are the same.
I noticed that at one stage in the commits for this, the OpenVPN services bit was commented out in shortcuts.inc:
//$shortcuts['openvpn']['service'] = "openvpn";
But it is back in now (and in my snapshot).
I am not really sure what the running/restart/stop buttons are supposed to do in this context - there could be lots of OpenVPN Servers and Clients defined/listed on the page, or none at all. Is the button supposed to restart/stop all of them? Should the button not be there if there are no OpenVPN instances defined?
With the current code, in fbegin.inc:
a) $shortcut_section="openvpn" - good
b) $vpnid = "" - not so good
It calls find_service_by_openvpn_vpnid($vpnid) - the blank parameter makes this fall through to returning the first array (service) that get_services finds. That happens to be "dnsmasq" on many systems
if(isset($config['dnsmasq']['enable'])) {…It needs $vpnid defined in fbegin.inc - but I can't see a sensible way to define it.
Of course, if I edit a particular OpenVPN Server instance, then the buttons do the sensible things for that instance.
Here is a screenshot of where the problem is - I didn't get it to capture the text when hovering. There are some bits of debugging echo stuff that I added to show the value of $shortcut_section, $vpnid and the array returned as $ssvc.
Note that this issue happens on the following pages:
services_captiveportal_zones.phpThe opening page of each of these has a list of OpenVPN or CaptivePortal objects, or a status or log of zero to many of these objects. So the state/restart/stop buttons don't have a good unique meaning at these places.
And on my setup, I don't get start/stop controls on any of those pages. They're only supposed to show up when it can determine a proper/unique service for that page.
At first I left the service bit disabled for OpenVPN and captive portal because they needed extra code to determine the right process. Once I finished up that code, I enabled them again.
There must be something about the config that's causing it, or perhaps something needs (re)initialized at the start of the code.
Try syncing in the two commits I just made and see if it helps. I still can't replicate it here so I'm just guessing…
https://github.com/bsdperimeter/pfsense/commit/d583aa710a765748b46555a388b8cdd70f327b0b -
The first commit $ssvc = array(): does not do anything to help - but it will do no harm.
The second commit does the trick - I was about to try something like this, and you have used the real belts and braces approach to make sure to only match the desired entry.
I tested on another system that had cron, pfblocker and OpenVPN client export utility. On that system it would say "cron Service is Running" and so on - cron was the first service entry that it came across. The problem was the not set 'vpnid' array entry returns a NULL which was matching the NULL passed in as the $vpnid parameter.
I have gone to the various OpenVPN and CaptivePortal settings, status and log pages and all seems well.
I am surprised that you don't see this - I get it on 2 systems I have upgraded - 1 with a minimal config and one with a couple of packages installed and a bunch of OpenVPN links etc. Anyway - thems the breaks. -
I'm surprised I didn't see it either, but no matter how much I clicked around on two separate VMs, it was always as it should have been.
I didn't try a fresh VM though. Anyhow, when it does work, it's the best thing since sliced bread. :-)