NEW Package: freeRADIUS 2.x
That makes me wonder if I might need to expose a couple more PBI build options. See there are two things you can do with a PBI besides the main package build that are better for dependencies, you can set a port to build before the main build or a port to build after.
So maybe if I add krb5 to the "before" list it might work. I'll do some experiments and see what happens, assuming I get time today.
So maybe if I add krb5 to the "before" list it might work. I'll do some experiments and see what happens, assuming I get time today.
Thank's for your help Jimp. :)
krb5 has a lot of dependencies while heimdal is almost native for freebsd, maybe changing it to heimdal could result in a smaller pbi.
Might be a better way, that's what I'll try first.
Sneaking WITHOUT_X11 into the PBI config also saves a bit. The PBI for mtr went from 60MB to 44K in a test build :-) (doesn't apply to all ports though, of course…)
FYI- check my reply in the 2.1 package testing thread for info about Dansguardian
For an update on the library issue, see my post here:,50603.0.html
Ok, as far as I can say that at the moment:
freeradius2 should work with basic authentication methods on pfsense 2.1 and 2.0.x
But probably it is best to test on a test machine and make sure that all features will work. what you need to test is mysql, postgresql and LDAP functionality. Because of the new package dependencies in the new .PBI packages there could be some files missing. I do not have any possibility to check with SQL or LDAP.So please do not update at the moment if you have a running freeradius2 package on any pfsense 2.0.x machine. There are no new features or bugfixes. The changes we made are only for compatibility with pfsense 2.1.
Thanks for your feedback!
Error in script:
In code :
OTP=printf $EPOCHTIME$SECRET$PIN|checksum|cut -b 6
Should be:
OTP=printf $EPOCHTIME$SECRET$PIN|checksum|cut -b 1-6
Error in script:
In code :
OTP=printf $EPOCHTIME$SECRET$PIN|checksum|cut -b 6
Should be:
OTP=printf $EPOCHTIME$SECRET$PIN|checksum|cut -b 1-6
I think you mean line 3925 here: GUI says it with an example: You have to enter the range like:
7-10If you just enter one number it will not work - of course.
First post here but I've been using Pfsense for some time (I love it ;D).
I've tried Freeradius 1 some time ago and and didn't manged to get it to work. This time with Freeradius 2 and the interface in Pfsense I've managed to get it working without much trouble. I able to log into my wireless using TTLS or PEAP and a test user I created in the Freeradius2 config (from the web interface).
I also managed to connect to my wireless using TLS, however it doesn't work as expected.I am using Pfsense built-in certificate manager as recommended In the cert manager I created a new CA (Radius Wireless CA) specifically for using with Freeradius as well as some client certificate signed by this new CA. In my certificate manager I also have a separate CA for openvpn with some client certificates.
I configured my Freeradius EAP option as follow:
"Choose Cert-Manager": Checked (to use the Firewall Cert-Manager)
SSL CA Certificate: Radius Wireless CA cert
SSL Server Certificate: Radius server cert (certificate signed by the CA)I was expecting to able to only use a client certificate signed by the Radius Wireless CA cert. As a test I tried using a client certificate signed by the CA I created for Openvpn and it worked. Freeradius accepted it !! :o
I don't believe this is the expected behavior… I am wondering if it is checking the certificate at all !!?  :o
Actually I just created a new (test) CA with a client certificate. Exported it and deleted the CA from Pfsense. And I can connect with this client certificate as well.
Can somebody confirm the problem? Is it just me that made some strange configuration (I don't thing so though). BTW I was trying to see if I could use certificate revocation when I found the issue.
EDIT: I might have jumped to conclusion too quickly. I use the same computer (running xubuntu 12.4 with network manager) when testing certificate. After rebooting I wasn't able to login with the invalid certificate anymore. I guess there is something about reconnecting shortly after with other certificate... maybe it's the way Radius / EAP-TLS works or maybe it is network manager ? I still think this is strange.
if you select the CA and server cert on freeradius2 GUI -> EAP and the click save then the CA and server certifficate will be placed here:
So if you just delete the CA and/or server cert on the pfsense built-in cert manager this does NOT mean it will be deleted in freeradius2 folder.
I know this is not an elegant solution but till now and until someone adds some more code this will not change.After deleting the CA and/or the cert in the built-in manager you have to go to freeradius2 GUI -> EAP and and chose the new CA. The problem is - if you are not using any CA and server cert - freeradius2 will not start. (That is the reason why by default the not recommended freeradius2 cert manager is enabled).
The same is with the Certificate revocation List. The CRL on the pfsense built-in cert-manager will not be recognized by freeradius2 at the moment. This feature needs some more code.
When using only TLS then you should set the option "disable weak EAP types" on freeradius2 GUI -> EAP.
Further you can try to use "Check Cert Issuer"Check this for more information: -
I was editing my reply when you posted :)
Thanks for the information. I didn't actually actually try to remove the CA but that's definitely good to known. I'll have a look at the certificate in /usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/ out of curiosity.
I did disable weak EAP types. I still not sure about the difference between PEAP and TTLS. It seems PEAP also uses some kind of TLS tunnel.
I've head about MS-CHAP v2 being vulnerable ( With "disable weak EAP types" checked, Freeradius doesn't allow plain ms-chap-v2 right? Only in a TLS tunnel if I understood correctly ?
It would be great to be able to use Certificate revocation List. I guess there has to be some way to manually create a Certificate revocation List for Freeradius? Any pointer is welcome.
That would certainly be better than nothing if I were to misplace one of my certificate/device. Having to start a fresh CA would take some time, even if it's only for my home network. -
Ok I figured out how to use crl… it's manual and clearly a hack but it does work. :)
This for when using Freeradius with the Pfsense cert manager.
EDIT: Actually it doesn't work properly... it actually reject all connection.
1. Go to the Pfsense Cert manager and create en internal Certificate Revocation List for the CA used for Freeradius2. (if not already created)
2. Edit the Certificate Revocation List and revoke a certificate.
#Because Freeradius has no idea about this Certificate Revocation List you will still be able to use the certificate a this point.
3. Export the Certificate Revocation List.
4. Edit /usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/ca_cert.pem and append the Certificate revocation list at the end.
5. Edit /usr/local/etc/raddb/eap.conf and uncomment the line "check_crl = yes"
6. Restart the Freeradius2 server (There is probably a better way to reload the configuration file but I simply stoped it and restarted it from the Pfsense web interface)
Now try to connect with the revoked certificate. You shouldn't be able to connect. Look at /var/log/radius.log for more info.
You should have something like this:
Error: --> verify error:num=12:CRL has expired
Auth: Login incorrect (CRL has expired)IMPORTANT: By going to the Freeradius2 eap preference page and clicking on save, the package will generate a new eap.conf with the crl line commented out! Have to be careful !
If someone knows of a better way to edit the default configuration, I'll be interested.
Ok I figured out how to use crl… it's manual and clearly a hack but it does work.  :)
This for when using Freeradius with the Pfsense cert manager.
1. Go to the Pfsense Cert manager and create en internal Certificate Revocation List for the CA used for Freeradius2. (if not already created)
2. Edit the Certificate Revocation List and revoke a certificate.
#Because Freeradius has no idea about this Certificate Revocation List you will still be able to use the certificate a this point.
3. Export the Certificate Revocation List.
4. Edit /usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/ca_cert.pem and append the Certificate revocation list at the end.
5. Edit /usr/local/etc/raddb/eap.conf and uncomment the line "check_crl = yes"
6. Restart the Freeradius2 server (There is probably a better way to reload the configuration file but I simply stoped it and restarted it from the Pfsense web interface)
Now try to connect with the revoked certificate. You shouldn't be able to connect. Look at  /var/log/radius.log for more info.
You should have something like this:
Error: --> verify error:num=12:CRL has expired
Auth: Login incorrect (CRL has expired)IMPORTANT: By going to the Freeradius2 eap preference page and clicking on save, the package will generate a new eap.conf with the crl line commented out! Have to be careful !
If someone knows of a better way to edit the default configuration, I'll be interested.
Hi arekkusu,
you can edit the "" in /usr/local/pkg/ on line 1022. This will make the changes permanent even if you click "save" on freeradius -> EAP GUI.
What I would prefer is if there is a way to select the CRL on the freeradius GUI like it is possible with the CA and the other certificates but I do not have the php skills to solve this :-(So my intention is that the user generates all CAs, certificates and CRLs on pfsense cert-manager, then go to freeradius and just select them. If something on the CRL has changed the user just has to go to the freeradius GUI and re-save the EAP part to generate the new CRL for freeradius.
The check_crl part on eap.conf - I will try to add this as an option to the GUI. But this will not avoid to do your steps 1 - 4
Can you please explain me a little bit more in detail what you did on step 4 and where you found the description for that on the internet ?Thank you for your help!
My how-to actually doesn't work. I though it was working but I latter realized it wasn't accepting any connection. It seem the "(CRL has expired)" in the logs is Freeradius not being happy abou the CRL / not finding it.
About step4, I did read this somewhere on the Internet, I just can't find the link. I actually seem that putting it in a separate "crl.pem" might be the standard way though. ???
I've found some interesting information here:
I've tried to add the crl_file = ${raddbdir}/certs/crl.pem in eap.conf and createated crl.pem but it still won't use the certificate revocation list (it reject everything). I know little about openssl so I am not sure if the crl is in the good format.
The freeradius2 wiki page is one of the better doc pages I've read for pfsense. I wanted to point out a minor error (or rather a possible point of confusion) in the wiki page:
Where the initial localhost radtest is performed, the sample command includes "username password" and, while this should be clear enough to anyone setting up RADIUS, the command should be correct from:
radtest username password 0 testing123
radtest testuser testpassword 0 testing123
The freeradius2 wiki page is one of the better doc pages I've read for pfsense. I wanted to point out a minor error (or rather a possible point of confusion) in the wiki page:
Where the initial localhost radtest is performed, the sample command includes "username password" and, while this should be clear enough to anyone setting up RADIUS, the command should be correct from:
radtest username password 0 testing123
radtest testuser testpassword 0 testing123
Thanks :-) -
I agree the freeradius2 wiki page is really useful. I wouldn't have managed to made freeradius work without it.
I still haven't managed to get a Certificate revocation list working with freeeradius2. I've basically abandoned using EAP-TLS and I am only using EAP-TTLS with MSChapv2 inner authentication.
I got it working fine on Ubuntu (network manager), Android 4, Nokia n900 and windows. Figuring how to add the certificate and use it in windows is the most complicated by far. And EAP-TLS seems even more complicated (I tried but didn't manged to get the client certificate to work).
EAP-TTLS should be fine in term of security if used properly (with good password of course). The only (huge) problem seem to be devices that don't properly check the CA certificate… either because they were badly configured, the user ignored a warning or are just plain broken.
I've setup a user with a "download limit" and set cron jobs to reset each night. I set "$PORTAL_MESSAGE$" on captive portal Authentication error page. When user reaches the "download limit" user is presented the captive portal logon page, and after user enters valid username/password, the captive portal error pages replies "invalid user credentials". Anyway to change this to change this? (ie: download limit reached, etc.)?
I don't known about the captive portal, I don't use it. Hope you can figure something out.
Personally I've tried setting using the account expiration (at a specific date) feature in Freeradius2 and it doesn't seem to work. If I put a date in the past (using the format "Jan 01 2012") the account seems to still be valid. If I put the date of tomorrow and wait until the next day the account is still valid.
I would really like to make this feature work to create guest account valid for a few days. Anyone using it? According to the Freeradius2 package wiki page this feature should work.
Alternatively if I could could do a script that would enable me to add/remove user account this could work too. Just changing the configuration file manually doesn't seem to reflect the change in Freeradius even after restarting the service.
Personally I've tried setting using the account expiration (at a specific date) feature in Freeradius2 and it doesn't seem to work. If I put a date in the past (using the format "Jan 01 2012") the account seems to still be valid. If I put the date of tomorrow and wait until the next day the account is still valid.I would really like to make this feature work to create guest account valid for a few days. Anyone using it? According to the Freeradius2 package wiki page this feature should work.
(...)This feature is not described on freeradius2 wiki page. Here is a description of how it should work:
Check the users file if the syntax is correct after you entered that in the GUI.Not sure if it will work if you set a "Session-Timeout" on freeradius GUI, too. It could be possible that "Session-Timeout" and "Expiration" will not work correctly when used together because "Expiration" sends a Session-Timeout to CP and "Session-Timeout" will be, too. This could be a conflict.
But to make sure that CP understands Session-Timeout you have to enbale it on CP page.
Use RADIUS Session-Timeout attributes When this is enabled, clients will be disconnected after the amount of time retrieved from the RADIUS Session-Timeout attribute.
I've been looking into the freeradius and the XMLRPC part of it
I ran into certain issues because I'm trying to replicate with mobile networks that might be within internet range or not (trucks and boats…)during my tests the XMLRPC seems to hang when the device it is trying to replicate to does not responds (not sure what is the time out period if any)
I looked at the code... but with my limited knowledge what I figure out I could do is actually to select the destination servers before I do the changes
to have that ability I modified the package the following
I added a check box for each destination server so we can choose which one we want to syn at that moment<field><fielddescr>Destination Server</fielddescr>
<rowhelperfield><fielddescr>GUI Protocol</fielddescr>
<description>http or https]]></description>
<rowhelperfield><fielddescr>GUI IP-Address</fielddescr>
<rowhelperfield><fielddescr>GUI Port</fielddescr>
<rowhelperfield><fielddescr>GUI Admin Password</fielddescr>
/usr/local/pkg/freeradius.incI updated freeradius_sync_on_changes() so it would look at the check box and execute the line if it is enable for that server
function freeradius_sync_on_changes() {
global $config, $g;
$varsyncenablexmlrpc = $config['installedpackages']['freeradiussync']['config'][0]['varsyncenablexmlrpc'];// if checkbox is NOT checked do nothing
if(!$varsyncenablexmlrpc) {
}log_error("FreeRADIUS: Starting XMLRPC process (freeradius_do_xmlrpc_sync).");
// if checkbox is checked get IP and password of the destination hosts
foreach ($config['installedpackages']['freeradiussync']['config'] as $rs ){
foreach($rs['row'] as $sh){
// if checkbox is NOT checked do nothing
if($sh['varsyncdestinenable']) {
$varsyncprotocol = $sh['varsyncprotocol'];
$sync_to_ip = $sh['varsyncipaddress'];
$password = $sh['varsyncpassword'];
$varsyncport = $sh['varsyncport'];
if($password && $sync_to_ip && $varsyncport && $varsyncprotocol)
freeradius_do_xmlrpc_sync($sync_to_ip, $password, $varsyncport, $varsyncprotocol);
log_error("FreeRADIUS: Finished XMLRPC process (freeradius_do_xmlrpc_sync).");
–-------------------------------------------Can anyone validate that these changes make sense and that I'm not breaking something else by doing this?
also if helpful for anybody else can it be committed to future releases of the package?Cheers,