Understanding DNS
I've been running a basic pfSense install for quite some time now, but I've pretty much just left it stock except for basic QOS. I've recently began to desire to play with and understand more about pfSense and networking in general.
I understand somewhat about DNS and how it helps the internet run. I've also read up on DNS forwarder in pfSense and what it does. But my question is, what advantage is there to running or not running DNS forwarder on a basic pfSense install as a stock home router? Also is there any advantage to checking the box "Do not use the DNS Forwarder as a DNS server for the firewall"?
I see the results of checking these boxes and turning off DNS forwarder the other above mentioned check boxes. But what do they really mean to me?
There is so much great information out on the net about how to perform different functions and what not; and I'm able to follow instructions pretty well. But sometimes I just don't know why or why not I need to do something.
But my question is, what advantage is there to running or not running DNS forwarder on a basic pfSense install as a stock home router?
Well you don't have to, but you will need to make sure that the ones provided by your ISP or whatever free one you like it push through dhcp to the computer so that hardware and software can resolve names to IPs. I like using pfSense as I can also do domain and host overrides for access new web servers and also split horizon DNS.
Also is there any advantage to checking the box "Do not use the DNS Forwarder as a DNS server for the firewall"?
No advantage or disadvantage that I have been able to tell aside from if you don't use dns forwarder, then you are not going to pick up the host and domain overrides.
Sounds like I should just leave things well enough alone if everything is working. ;D