Limiters and Bridging
No, i thank you.
I will give some feedback on this one
i can confirm that it works fine on 30th oct snaps but from 31st onwards, bridged interfaces fall dead even if no limiter set on the wireless device ip which is bridged to lan, the wireless client looses internet access with or without limiters set to its ip
I think that is another issue xibpin.
Please open a new thread.
let me just try this one more time and even after u fixed the limiter on bridge issue so im dead sure if thats the cause or something else, think that might be the issue only
I think that is another issue xibpin.
Please open a new thread.
confirmed, bridging with limiter broken as well as general bridging without limiters also broken, opened a new thread for it
tried the 6th November snap and it seems sorted out now, bridging with and without limiters both work fine
I can't limit nothing. For me the built on Tue Nov 6 16:28:21 EST 2012 does not react to limiters.
u need to creates rules to assign the limiters to clients and also set proper schedules to limiters
paste the content of this file
I try with and without schedules. I have to reboot the router??
pipe 1 config bw 450Kb bw 0pipe 2 config bw 150Kb bw 0
pipe 3 config bw 450Kb bw 0
pipe 4 config bw 150Kb bw 0
ps: I have a rule in Lan interface for the limited IP addresses (One IP for now test propose). Like i describe in 3 reply. I will try with schedulers if i miss anything. I have one scheduler with all days, if we need a scheduler then we should have one by default.
it seems u have set schedule to none in ur limiter, not ur firewall rule but also noticed there is still a bug in limiter which results in the config showing bw twice, for time being create a schedule for a 24 hour period and assign it to the limtier and ull see the bw will appear only once then try and it should work fine
No, simple is 2 identical rules, not duplicated. My fault.
pipe 3 config bw 1000Kbpipe 4 config bw 300Kb
you are right with the last build this work but with scheduler.
ermal has put in a patch, the next snap should fix this issue for limiters with schedule set as none